Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Vicky Scott

Date submitted
28 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I have a number of objections to the proposal to construct another nuclear power station at Sizewell when there are safer, greener and more cost effective renewable energy solutions available to secure the UK’s future energy security such as wind, wave and solar power. I am concerned about the irreparable damage to the heritage coastline, the AONB the site is situated within and the local unique, valuable wildlife ecosystems (including RSPB Minsmere). Over the 10-12 years of construction, there will be an unacceptably vast increase in heavy vehicle road traffic on Suffolk’s limited road infrastructure, plus the construction of new roads which will serve little purpose once the construction is complete. This will have a significant environmental and societal impact. I am concerned about building this power plant on a shoreline threatened by both erosion and sea level rise at a time of increasing climate change After the limited time (50-60 years) that the power station is operable, Suffolk will be left with the legacy of a white elephant of a building, containing nuclear waste, which will need costly management and maintenance ad infinitum. Few of the jobs working on the construction site will be new jobs for local people. Most workers will be from other areas of the country, necessitating the construction of large scale dormitory sites in order to house them. The sheer scale of this building project in what is a largely rural area depending on tourism will fundamentally change the character of East Suffolk