Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Patrick Gillard

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I would like to make the following submissions in my representation: 1. The proposed Sizewell C development brings risks and penalties to the community I live in (in terms of traffic, pollution, environmental harm) which are completely disproportionate to the benefits in terms of energy supply which will be enjoyed by other areas. We take all the harm and the benefit is felt elsewhere. 2. The development of Sizewell C does not now seem to be economically justifiable because the equation of energy costs has changed. Even if it was economically and politically desirable when first planned, it has now passed that point and is now a waste of money. 3. The building of a nuclear power station on a fast-eroding coast at a time of rising sea levels is unwise because its long lifetime during decommissioning will that there is a risk of a catastrophic event.