Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Paul Clarke

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

‘Hope for the best’ approach by EDF - public consultation inadequate at every stage: A vast project totally unsuited to virtual consultation in an area with poor broadband Repeatedly inadequate responses to concerns at each stage of consultation Even at this stage much left unresolved Strategy of monitoring and mitigation is not appropriate for confronting environmental impacts Cumulative impacts and knock-on effects: The information is all presented in discrete sections but the cumulative effects of all the changes caused by the project are not known Movements over Orwell Bridge – impact of bridge closure in high winds Proposed use of water from agricultural abstraction licences would prevent high value local food production – and jeopardise existing livelihoods. Impact on the Minsmere sluice of extreme weather events – hydrology inadequately understood Other major energy infrastructure projects will be under construction at the same time. No account is taken of the combined impact. Road improvements will be running once project is underway – more traffic and roadworks! The impact on wildlife of the combination of habitat loss, light and noise pollution and the drop in the water level on the marshes is not known. Traffic in Martlesham already a bottleneck and more development proposed there Natural Environment: The hydrology of the area is not adequately understood. Park & Ride sites – bond of money should be set aside now to restore the land to arable. Has this cost been included in the costings? Suffolk Wildlife Trust and RSPB both raise major concerns which I support Impact on RSPB Minsmere likely to be loss of visitor income of RSPB as well as on wildlife Compensatory habitat for marsh harrier will not be adequate by EDF’s own admission ‘Green’ credentials over stated: By the time SZC is generating, the electricity with which it competes will be much less carbon intensive than now. The waste from SZC will have to be dealt with. I do not believe the carbon emissions of waste disposal have been accounted for. Electricity storage has developed fast and is likely to be hugely more advanced before SZC generates anything. That will transform the competitiveness of renewables. Local benefit is questionable: Leiston shows little sign of prosperity from 2 existing nuclear power stations – why would it benefit from two more reactors? EDF’s ‘local’ = 90 minute travel - ludicrous EDF is relying on using many workers & suppliers from Hinkley, not locals Many existing essential local workers on low pay will be faced with increased costs – accommodation costs bid up by excess demand; extra travelling time on congested roads; extra demand on public services; crowded local venues and amenities. Our village of Letheringham: The Wickham Market park and ride will generate significant traffic on the B1078 Holiday lets in our village likely to be adversely impacted by lower visitor numbers Finance: Regulated asset base model is not appropriate Chinese involvement is questionable in the current environment