Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Mrs Lindsey J Bickers

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Dear Sirs Relevant Representation Sizewell C I would like to make the following comments regarding the DCO The twin nuclear power station should not be built in this location for the following reasons 1 Transport Strategy The roads to access the development have not changed/ improved in relationship to the fact that EDF has now only proposed limited use of sea and rail freight for transport of material /plant We have been calling for a direct route from the South of Saxmundham across countryside to reduce impact on villages and towns 2 Envviroment/Biodiversity The lose of wildlife and habitat will take years to recover, if ever. This area with its AONB's and SSSI's together with the nationally recognised nature reserve of RSPB Minsmere We owe it to our children to protect this Jewel in The Crown in our County of Suffolk. EDF will not and cannot mitigate the loss that will be caused to this special place. The purported gains to having Sizewell C do not out way the losses to our environment and our much needed tourism and the mental well being of thousands of local people who will have to live with this on their door step for many years 3 Employment This will deter tourism whilst construction is ongoing there will be losses of jobs in that sector. A large percentage of workers from Hinkley will be used at Sizewell thus reducing the purported number of new jobs to construct the station. EDF have misrepresented the long term number of jobs this will create. 4 Roads/ Access. Our community will be kettled in by the lack of access to useable roads certainly to the south ( Pretty Road block off) compounded by very limited narrow single track roads within our village with a lack of passing places. If suitable conditioning are not made within any potential planning consent, these roads will be used as rat runs by the traffic of EDF workers and associated vehicles. The inspectorate will need to implement restrictions and control to protect the use of these roads for residents, emergency vehicles, doctors etc because EDF will not, unless forced to do, as shown at Hinkley 5 Contamination of our Planet. The accumulation of nuclear waste is not acceptable. There is not an argument for nuclear being carbon neutral when you set this against the potential destructive waste created by nuclear, with no clear plan to deal with such matters other than to keep in a dry fuel store on our door step for hundreds of years. Another myth by EDF is that nuclear is carbon neutral, however it will also take until 2035 or longer to balance the carbon used to construct the power station. 6. Accommodation. Accepting the site main entrance will be at the top of the Eastbridge Lane which will receive plant, materials, buses, goods vehicles, cars & vans We are also expected to suffer a campus of 2400 workers, it will create a huge impact on a hamlet of 40 houses from the additional vehicles and sheer numbers of people at the pinch point (entrance to site) Leiston which has a cross section of amenities with shops pubs restaurants transport is far more suited to absorb an Accommodation Block with all their needed amenities close by. Choice of this option has been poorly evidenced with clear evidence that other options would have less impact on our sensitive environment close to Misnomer 7 Health. Nobody has assessed the mental impact this development will have on the residents of Eastbridge No independent assessment for impact mitigation has been made. With residents potentially being forced to leave a quiet tranquil community with clear skys low quescen level of sound no dust or light pollution This will result in values of property being blighted through no fault of the owners We support in full the submission made by our Parish Council Mrs L J Bickers