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Representation by Historic England (Historic England)

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Other statutory consultees

The Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England (HBMCE) is better known as Historic England, and we are the Government’s adviser on all aspects of the historic environment in England - including historic buildings and areas, archaeology and historic landscape. We have a duty to promote conservation, public understanding and enjoyment of the historic environment. We are an executive Non-Departmental public body and we answer to Parliament through the Secretary of State for Digital Culture, Media and Sport. In addition to our remit for the conservation of the historic environment the National Heritage Act (2002) gave HBMCE responsibility for maritime archaeology in the English area of the UK Territorial Sea. Please note we do not intend to attend the preliminary hearing, we will however be submitting full written representation at a later date. We summarise our representation for this project as follows. Representation: 1. Introduction The proposal is to build and operate a new nuclear power station, and will consist of two new nuclear reactors and associated infrastructure. 2. Onshore Historic Environment We note the applicant has provided a full Environmental Statement which includes a detailed historic environment chapter (Chapter 16 Vol 2). Our primary consideration is the impact of the main development site (platform and reactors) upon the significance of two designated heritage assets known as the Leiston Abbey First and Second Sites. The first site is the initial foundation of a community of Premonstratensian monks in the marshes to the north of Sizewell, and the second the ruins of the re-located priory to the west of the development. This is known to have some of the finest surviving architectural ruins in the County and publically accessible. We have previously raised concerns about impacts on the significance of these assets during the construction phase and with regards to the residual impact of the proposal during the lifetime of the project. We intend to further explore the degree to which these effects have been considered within the submitted version of the ES. The proposal also includes new rail infrastructure which would be close to Leiston Abbey (Second site), and additional impacts arising from this element of the scheme will also be considered in more detail. We are also aware the development will result in a range of potentially significant impacts on a number of other designated and non-designated heritage assets, particular in relation to the link road, the two-village by pass, park and ride and freight management facility and the Yoxford roundabout. 3. Marine Historic environment Chapter 23 of Volume 2 of the ES presents the assessment of potential effects of the proposed development on the marine historic environment. Whilst we are aware there are no designated heritage assets present in the offshore works area, and the potential for a significant effect on the marine historic environment is considered to be low. There is a range of known heritage assets in the area surrounding offshore works area and in the intertidal zone, and we will consider the potential impact upon the marine historic environment. 4. Archaeology and Peat Strategy Archaeological investigations within the redline boundaries have identified extensive archaeological remains and surviving pre-historic peat deposits. We consider there is the potential for significant effects and we will therefore be considering the proposed Archaeological (see Volume 2, Appendix 16H) and Peat Strategies (Volume 2, Appendix 16G) in more detail. 5. Summary Historic England’s primarily concern is to ensure that the historic environment is adequately and appropriately considered within the submitted ES, and that any concerns we have previously raised have been addressed. Likewise, that the DCO is worded to ensure appropriate mitigation for the historic environment and the dissemination of the result. Our full written representation will therefore make further, detail comment with regards to the impact of the scheme upon the on and off-shore historic environment, and the archaeological and peat strategies. Dr Will Fletcher [Redacted]