Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Stephen Brett

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to raise the following concerns with EDF's Sizewell C DCO Application. With the forecast sea rise due to global warming the site is at risk of flooding. The site is to small for a dual reactor. It is inadequate to permanently store all of the Nuclear Waste on site. There has not been enough work to assess the impacts on the minsmere sluice. The access road will permanently divide the Sizewell and Minsmere marshes. Changes to inland water levels will potentially threaten plant and wildlife. There is potential pollution with the digging and filling in of borrow pits. There is a deer herd that lives on Minsmere South Levels and in the woodland and arable land ( that will come a building site ) that will come displaced. Assessments of cumulative impacts within the development and between it and eight other energy projects are inadequate. There will be dust blow off the 35m spoil heaps. There will be excessive noise and light pollution for the 10 - 12 years of the construction. The Parish of Theberton and Eastbridge will be cut in half by the closure of Moat Road and Pretty Road. EDF should make the bridge over Pretty Road usable by road traffic to allow local people easier access in and out of the two villages. The position of the Sizewell Relief Road and by pass round Theberton will cause Rat running through surrounding villages. While new roads are being built traffic safety and calming measure will be needed through Theberton and a 30 mph limit through Eastbridge and traffic monitoring through Eastbridge will also be required. The housing policy of migrant workers will completely over whelm the local housing stock. The enormity of the project will completely overwhelm East Suffolk. Health Services could be overwhelmed. I endorse the relevant representations submitted by Stop Sizewell C, Theberton and Eastbridge Parish Council, Suffolk Wildlife Trust and the R.S.P.B