Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Lynne Morton

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Dear Sir/Madam, I am a Suffolk resident, my address is:[Redacted]and I am writing to strongly object to the proposed Sizewell C nuclear power station being built. And I ask you please, withdraw your support for Sizewell C. I have read the recently delivered leaflets putting the arguments both for and against Sizewell C and I am certainly on the 'against' side! Nuclear is outdated and we are a nation with a fantastic coastline, very blessed indeed with the power of waves, it is this power we should be looking to harness as well as more wind power. There wouldn't be the terrible nuclear waste to leave (very irresponsibly) for generations to come to deal with. We have all heard the wise words of Sir David Attenborough recently warning that if we keep losing the natural world we too will be lost! Sizewell would severely damage Minsmere RSPB reserve, an absolute gem and home to many species. Rising sea levels due to global warming will make a bad situation even worse, making Sizewell C an even more hazardous proposition. What happens when it all gets flooded? We have had masses of new dwellings built during the last few years, why haven't they all got solar panels on their roofs?? That's what they do in Germany so why don't we? It should be mandatory. It would substantially decrease the need for electricity generated by other methods. If Sizewell C does go ahead, I understand that, despite boat or rail being a much better options, road would be the chosen option for transporting all the masses of materials needed. There is a rail line not far away from where I grew up which goes to sizewell, why isn't that upgraded and used? I guess the power giant edf would have to foot the bill for sea or rail transportation whereas the council would be responsible for new roads! For all our sakes, including generations yet to come, I just hope this new power station does NOT get built. Yours faithfully,