Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Nicholas French

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

There are a number of reasons why I object to this proposal: 1. The terrible toll it will take on the local environment - permanent destruction of habitat and major disruption to habitat particularly for bird life for many many years 2. Major disruption to traffic, with adverse impacts on residents close to roads including noise and pollution on narrow roads not designed or ever intended to carry the volume of lorries that will use the roads, which will be damaged for years to the detriment of local users - all of this in one of the quietest, cleanest air areas of the country. A serious government would build a port for a project of this size and duration situated in this Cut off and rural location and bring in all materials by sea and avoid all of this destruction and disruption that will be created by lorries. 3. All of the above having significant adverse effects on tourism as well as on locals. 4. The risks to the environment and human, animal and plant health through discharges into the sea as have been seen at other facilities - these will occur 5. The economic cost to the country of subsidising the operators of the facility that far outweighs other forms of power generation (given the build costs) - at a time when other more environmentally friendly ways of generating electricity more cheaply are increasingly coming on line. Utter madness to saddle ourselves as individuals and as countries with these long term debts, particularly in a post-corona virus world 6. And finally, the damage to such a beautiful, unspoilt part of the country that will be done by this construction over so many years. It is absolutely tragic to think about it when walking through or cycling in the areas that will be blighted for many many years. Oak trees don’t grow back quickly - they take a generations and wildlife sanctuaries too