Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Bill Turnbull

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am deeply concerned about the proposed construction of Sizewell C because: It will do untold damage to local wildlife, particularly at RSPB Minsmere. Marsh Harriers and many other birds will be scared away, never to return. The proposed site is within an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The construction work would cut right across a Site of Special Scientific Interest. The construction work would play havoc with water levels and drainage on what is a very fragile ecological site on the Minsmere Level, causing damage that cannot be repaired or mitigated. The site of the project is at risk from coastal erosion and rising sea levels. EDF has not provided nearly enough adequate environmental impact assessments. The construction project would cause massive disruption to the local community. The people of Leiston would suffer severe socio-economic impacts, as they have done before with the construction of Sizewell B. The lucrative local tourist industry would be significantly damaged. The relief road chosen to accommodate the huge amount of extra traffic is the wrong route. There is a more direct and feasible route, which could cause disturbance to far fewer households. Why has this not been chosen? The Sizewell C application is completely unsuitable for a digital examination process. Sending a bus round our part of the county for a few days was also unsatisfactory. People need to be able to peruse the plans in person and at length. This has not been possible owing to Covid-19. Therefore the application should be put on hold until people can have a proper look at a project which is going to have a massive impact on their lives for years on end. I wish to endorse the Relevant Representations submitted by Stop Sizewell C, the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, Together Against Sizewell C, and the Suffolk Wildlife Trust.