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Representation by Graham

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

REGISTRATION IDENTIFICATION NO.[Redacted] To test email was working I emailed the empty form a while ago which gave me a reg no I have included above. I would that just being an ordinary person with no experience at objecting I humbly request that should my my representation include any of the prohibited material which will have happened without my meaning it to that those that you eliminate those that breach the rules leaving those that are valid: My representation and it’s objections are focused around the 4-Village bypass more especially Farnham where I have lived [Redacted]and are as follows: 1) Cost of road excessive for such little gain both in respect of time saving as: a) more priority should given to sea and train transport more especially in view of what we have learnt during COVID and our need to create greener energy to arrest climate change as well as to create long term jobs around greener energy by the governments own declarations. b) A paltry 3 minutes speed gain from Ipswich to Felixstowe calculated by yourselves c) Cost ratio excessive when there are several other possible and cheaper solutions: i. A temporary road to be removed once the largest equipment has been installed ii. New technology, e.g.,Electric lorries combined with electric roads iii). d) Whichever side of the ancient Foxburrow wood, wood that figures on the earliest maps of the area, the woods will suffer since it is not accustomed any traffic or human interference whatsoever from pollution, night lights, frequent visitors, etc. e) Whichever side of Foxburrow wood the bypass is sited will merely be robbing Peter to pay Paul as the new road will either visit the noise, light, and pollution on to those of us that live there which will will force my sons and I to move as they will lose any sense off independence as once the road is started they will be come landlocked until the road and bridge or tunnel are finished which will deprive them of their 2 mile daily walk along a secluded footpath down to the railway track which maintains them healthy and mobile. 2) The major reason for moving the road during previous consultations has been the higher than legally permitted pollution in front of the Stratford Service Station which by limiting the speed limit has now been removed. 3) The service station at Stratford and various other businesses nearby and over near the farm cafe with all their workers such as the caravan showroom, other shops, industrial mestate, etc. will be severely adversely affected by the A12 being moved.