Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Sarah Gallagher

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Concerns I wish to raise about the proposed Sizewell C development. Site issues: Site inappropriate for new nuclear reactor due to coastal erosion, sea-level rise and flooding Inappropriate for storage of radioactive nuclear waste due to coastal erosion Transport issues: Inadequate provision regarding transportation of materials and workers to site - over-dependency on road transport Impact of huge numbers of HGVs using A12 during construction period Impact in a rural area on other roads used by workers to reach park-and-ride facilities or the site itself Adverse effects on communities, landscape, ecology and AONB: Severe disruption to communities along access routes to the site Huge influx of workers during construction period Severe disruption to landscape, countryside, environment and wildlife in AONB over many years Detrimental impact on RSPB Minsmere and SWT sites in the locality Irreparable damage to habitats Noise, light and dust pollution Pressure on health and emergency services Detrimental effects on residents’ quality of life Impacts on economy and livelihoods: Adverse effect on livelihoods dependent on tourism in area visitors currently seek out because of unspoilt countryside and beaches Impact of local job losses due to drop in visitor numbers Impact on the environment: Noise, light and dust pollution Loss of important habitat supporting rare species Irreparable damage to the AONB. Pollution from extra traffic.