Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Karen Harris

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Dear Sir/Madam, I wish to register the following concerns about the proposed Sizewell C development: The environmental destruction will be harmful, not just for the wildlife, but for residents and visitors alike. The burden to our coastline and daily lives will be long-lasting, with increased traffic– up to 1140 HGV’s per day, 700 buses and 10,000 cars/vans per day for the entire construction period of between nine and 12 years– bringing misery to thousands. Cars and vans servicing the site will seek out rat runs to avoid traffic gridlock on the A12, accident rates will increase. The impact on local communities, including severance, traffic, significant increases in noise, light, air, dust pollution will degrade our quality of life and cause social unrest. Our stretched resources will suffer under the increased demand, with at least 6,000 workers in the area. The drain on simple services, including water, do not seem to have been considered. Sizewell C’s daily fresh water demands will require up to 3 million litres during construction and up to 2 million litres during operation, in an area which is the most water-scarce in the country. The visual intrusion of the completed works will be bleak and uninviting, and the natural habitats will be long lost. This proposal is not viable; with so many cleaner energy options available, it does not make sense to proceed with this project.   Regards, Karen Harris