Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Teresa Parry

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Dear Sir/Madam,   I wish to register the following concerns about the proposed Sizewell C development: The environmental damage will be significant, and the impact will be felt through generations to come- the site identified for Sizewell C is too small for the size of the development. It will require the acquisition and destruction of areas which are inside the area of outstanding natural beauty (AONB); these areas will never be able to be replicated or replaced. Footpaths along Sizewell will be cut off or lost, all of which are popular with local residents and tourists alike. The beauty of our heritage will disappear, along with many tourists, and as a result many local businesses will suffer; an estimated £40m a year in lost revenues is predicted. The disruption caused will reach everyone on the Suffolk coastline: the roads will be clogged with work vehicles, and the increase will change the traffic profile in East Suffolk detrimentally, with at least five new roundabouts needed on the A12. Traffic will be gridlocked while the new road layout is under construction and possibly for longer due to the huge increase in HGV’s. The quality of life and typical appeal of Suffolk will decrease drastically. Not to mention the drain on our already stretched local resources, and the detrimental impact this will have on all residents. With numerous other green energy options available, Suffolk should strive to become a true example of protecting the environment, rather than proceeding with this damaging project.   Regards, Teresa Parry