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Representation by Anglian Energy Planning Alliance (Anglian Energy Planning Alliance)

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Non-statutory organisations

Under the process you have provided for Relevant Representation I would like to raise the following concerns which I believe are fundamental and clear reasoning for denying the planning application for Sizewell C. 1/ We are entering a New Age of zero carbon and renewable energy sources. This project will leave our children’s children’s children with a nuclear headache they won’t be able to dismiss. It is and will for ever be old fashioned technology which isnt suitable for dealing with our future power needs. Future generations deserve better than this. 2/ The site is inappropriate . There is nowhere in the world with 5 reactors in such close proximity . So why should we In rural Suffolk be contemplating this in a heritage , AONB , massive tourist and agricultural area ..? Not only is the coast eroding but it is also home to some extremely rare species and habitats all of which will be threatened even further by this new invasion. 3/ The economic benefits are dubious at best...for the region. Firstly its too expensive and who is to pay for that ? Likely not to be the applicant ..! So no doubt the contractors and power company will benefit but what about the people who live in the region..? Two previous nuclear rapes of the countryside have failed to provide the economic boom that was promised and this new application will be no different. 4/ The logistics as planned will annihilate the entire region socially for at least 15 years. The infrastructure is entirely incapable of handling the volumes envisaged. This is in isolation from the other energy projects being applied for simultaneously which combined effect will have a longer and deeper detrimental effect on the area massively affecting people ,economy and health and welfare. 5/ The duplicitous and contemptuous way that EDF have gone about the process is sickening and there seems to be no way that ordinarily people can be protected and given a voice. There are numerous instances of EDF misrepresenting statistics, job figures, projections etc . And yet no one seems to be able to take them to task.. We wholeheartedly endorse the representations submitted by Stop Sizewell C, and TASC. AND....we consider that this application is wholly unsuitable for any form of examination by digital or online process. This process would no doubt an infringement of ordinary peoples rights. G.Murray For AEPAlliance.