Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Bridget Chadwick

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am concerned about the following issues about the potential building of Sizewell C: The site is unsuitable because: - the coastline is eroding as I have seen in the time I have lived here and is further at risk due to climate change, storms and flooding - it could become an island of nuclear waste that would need to be protected for centuries - the ecological impact on the Suffolk sandlings which are a rare habitat suitable for a number of threatened species of birds and reptiles, as well as the Sizewell belts and various SSSIs - the wildlife corridors for birds and animals would be cut in half for years; we are already one of the most wildlife depleted countries in the world The Heritage Coast and AONB which stretches from Felixstowe to Lowestoft and includes RSPB Minsmere would be hugely impacted: - the local tourist economy could lose £40m a year, businesses will be affected by reduced numbers of visitors (estimated by EDF’s own surveys to be down 29%) leading to the loss of permanent local jobs - thousands of workers from outside the area add pressure on housing, local health and emergency services and have a negative effect on local communities, especially an enormous campus built in a small village surrounded by nature, loved by tourists and totally unsuited to such numbers - the effects of traffic, noise, light pollution and disruption on communities, wildlife and birdlife would cause irreparable harm to specially designated areas and Minsmere in particular Social impact: - the construction of Sizewell B caused Leiston to become like the wild west with drunkenness and fights in town and led to a huge increase in drug dependency locally, still affecting people today - the negative effect on mental health because of (a) influx of thousands of workers affecting local communities and (b) the loss of the amenity which is known to be of such beneficial effect to the thousands of visitors who come for the quiet and relaxation of enjoying nature The negative effects of this project would greatly outweigh the benefits as the technology will be redundant by the time it is built (if ever) and way too costly for the taxpayer compared to other energy sources coming on line. It is also anything but a low-carbon source of energy because the CO2 emissions of construction will not be offset for at least 6 years and then millions of vehicles driving to site during it’s lifetime of operation and centuries of maintaining waste cannot be calculated I believe it is totally unsuitable for the examination process to be done digitally as it is impossible for so many of the population to take part, either due to technology limitations (internet) or familiarity. I wish to endorse the representation of Stop Sizewell C.