Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Geoffrey Tebenham

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

a power station at sizewell will contaminate that area for many yeas leaving a problem for many generation with better technology and reusable energy onstream is the way forward that part of the coast is of outstanding beauty and will be lost to the country the proposed car parks at hacheston and yoxford will only bring heavy traffic on back roads leading to them as they rush to the parks and leave as we all remember the blue buses and cars from sizewell A these car parks will be big so what will happen to the land when sizewell is finished will these vast areas be returned to farm land if change of use be granted to these areas these areas will be lost from are country side for housing or commercial sites which is not keeping for this area i for one is not looking forward to the devastation to are coast and farm land i strongly appose this planning application