Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Timothy Rickman

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I support this development. Below are some (but not all) of my reasons for supporting this development. This development is valuable as part of a response to climate change, and climate change will greatly affect the future wellbeing or survival of me, others and the environment. This development will provide energy necessary for the functioning of public infrastructure affecting the future wellbeing of me, others and the environment. This project will support stability of the national electrical supply grid, upon which partly depends the future security of me and others. This project will displace other methods of electricity generation which would cause pollution detrimental to the health of me, others and non-human life. I believe the developer will safeguard the environment both near the construction site and further afield. I believe the developer will take adequate action to either mitigate, remediate or compensate for damage caused to wildlife. I believe there to be no significant threat to life from future radiation release while the civil authorities competently regulate operations at this power station.