Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Serena Inskip

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I will raise these issues of concern about Sizewell C development -- ** The SITE - Location is wrong - Climate change has not been taken into consideration adequately. It is one of 9 uncoordinated energy projects planned locally. It will create adverse impacts on long-term internationally designed sites of ecological importance, as well as severely damaging the landscape value and cultural heritage, all of which are the reasons why so many people are attracted to the area, creating a vibrant and long-established economy. Local income of up to £40million per year may well be lost. ** PRESSURE on local HOUSING, especially private-rental section. Workers will be taking up large proportion over up to 15 years, resulting in social degradation, ill-health (mental and physical), community fracture and dispersal. ** TRANSPORT - the massive impact on local communities trying to move about - traffic jams, accidents, frustration, wasted time - caused by the huge increase in heavy vehicles travelling in from all directions. Delays in new road infrastructure will result in towns and villages having to endure 2-3 years of increased traffic. New roads will sever communities, damage/obliterate footpaths, divide farmland - and cause multitudes of rat-runs resulting in more accidents, and life-threatening situations for families with children going to school, and taking part in leisure activities, as well as adults exercising. ** ENVIRONMENT AND LANDSCAPE It is still unclear as to what will be the effect on the sluice at Minsmere Reserve - which is part of a delicate and long-established hydrology of groundwater levels, habitats and all-over ecology. The lives of all the protected species - on land, air and water - will be compromised, and in many cases rare species will be banished or killed as result of their habitats being altered or destroyed. Danger of floods as result of loss of flood storage from the development site. The development of Sizewell C will not offset CO2 released by the construction for at least 6 years. ** MARINE/COASTAL - Impacts on coastal processes cannot be calibrated reliably. The rates of erosion/recession are episodic and unpredictable. The marine ecology dangerously impacted. I endorse the Representations made by Stop Sizewell C, RSPB and Suffolk Wildlilfe Trust. I wish to state that I consider the Sizewell C application to be totally unsuitable for a digital examination process.