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Representation by Manus Kyle

Date submitted
4 June 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am writing to seek some assurances about the proposed development by EDF of the water meadow backing onto our property. I love our home and village and know how fortunate we are to be surrounded by such beauty. The worry is the great possibility of flooding entering our back garden and the increase in household insurance premiums if the current water courses and resultant flood plain are moved nearer to our home. The noise would also be an issue - in the last year, the farmer's water pump working 24/7 has frequently disturbed our sleep, sounding like a tractor ploughing a field. We have complained to the council about it. I think the noise as the site is developed will ruin our peace and tranquillity and that of existing local wildlife. Imagine what greater noise and presence would mean.