Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Gavin Adams

Date submitted
7 June 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

We are writing to object to the proposed development by NNB Generation Company (SZC) Limited of the water meadow in Pakenham (Change 11). Our objections are summarised below: 1. Parts of the surrounding area and houses are already within an area of potential flooding as identified by the Environment Agency. Has the Environment Agency been consulted on the proposals, or assessed the likely impact of flooding 32ha of land on the proposed fen meadow development site in Pakenham? 2. Residents will no longer be guaranteed that building insurance will cover for the risk of flooding, and they may experience huge hikes in their premiums. Further there could be significant implications for the future safety of local properties. Residents are already exposed to the risk of the ever-changing environmental factors bringing an increase to the possibility of flooding. We have experienced record local rainfall in recent times, and there is no evidence to suggest this pattern will change in the future. When this risk is combined with the proposed meadow flooding of 32ha of land, we are very concerned it will significantly increase the risk of local flooding to an unmanageable level. 3. The meadow already effectively ‘supports’ the drainage of huge amounts of water each year, and we experienced significant amounts of rainfall last winter. During the winter the water meadow was flooded in several places and breaching into some occupants back gardens adjoining the meadow. This was despite an industrial water pump being used on the meadow for long periods of time; without this action the occupants land would have been flooded even further. The drainage on the surrounding roads is already inadequate and frequently pools heavily after continuous rainfall. Imagine what could happen if an additional 32ha of land are permanently flooded on neighbouring land? Where will the rainfall and surface water go in the future? Additionally, how do we know any changes made to the water levels locally at the fen meadow development would stay within the boundary of the site, and not affect any adjoining properties? This has been put forward by NNB Generation Company (SZC) Limited, but we have not yet seen any evidence to support this claim. 4. The fen meadow is already a rich source of habitat and neighbouring an area of outstanding natural beauty. The existing barn owls, buzzards, kestrels*, lap wings**, great, blue and coal tits, goldfinch, goldcrest, siskin, goldcrest, yellow hammer**, green woodpecker, great spotted woodpecker, pied wagtail, marsh tit**, reed bunting*, wren, house sparrow**, long tail tits, chaffinch, redwing**, hedgehogs***, swans, ducks, deer and fox could all be impacted by the destruction of habitat and noise and disruption. We have highlighted above birds that have been identified of high conservation importance by the RSPB UK; the key to the conservation status is AMBER* RED**. Also the key to the British Hedgehog Preservation Society is Endangered***. Why disturb an already very delicate ecosystem? 5. The works programme astonishingly assumes a CONSTRUCTION PERIOD OF 10 YEARS. It appears to be major works that will be undertaken as is highlighted below, and all aspects suggests noise, disruption and environmental impact: • Installation of water control structures to maintain/manipulate water levels. • Local excavation to reduce local ground levels, create low bunds and/or create surface watercourses. • Translocations of turfs from fen meadow area of the Sizewell Marshes SSSI. • Removal of any exiting field drains. 6. The distance between Sizewell and Pakenham is significant, and there will be material impact on the environment, roads and properties from the constant stream of lorries and other vehicles transferring the habitat across the Suffolk countryside, presumably on a weekly basis for many years. The local roads in Pakenham are also not designed to handle the size and volume of traffic, and in reality, it will be difficult to control the actual flows (time, days, number, size) of daily traffic. What have NNB Generation Company (SZC) Limited done to establish other suitable sites in closer proximity to Sizewell? 7. If the consortium has a 10-year programme, what are the long-term implications for the land and who will regulate their activity once the initial development has started? The consortium includes large organisations, and some specialise in nuclear facilities; their full future plans are unknown and also a great cause for concern. To conclude the fen meadow is already area of outstanding natural beauty and has at times flooded into neighbouring gardens in the autumn/winter months. The area is located over 40 miles away (1hr 10 min drive by car) from Sizewell and we have many concerns about this project including the impact on our national and local roads, flooding risk, insurance concerns, noise pollution over 10-year period, our local eco system and concerns over future potential local power generation. Pakenham village is an historic unspoilt village, the fen meadow is at risk of becoming a construction site for 10 years, and we strongly object to the proposed development.