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Representation by West Suffolk District Council (West Suffolk District Council)

Date submitted
7 June 2021
Submitted by
Local authorities

To whom it may concern, As the representative Councillor of Pakenham for and on behalf of West Suffolk District Council, I have received a number of comments and concerns from residents in relation to the matter. Furthermore, I too have a number of questions which remain unanswered and unclear. Please note these detailed below to which I request a response to: - When will full detail of the intended development in Pakenham be issued? - What are the implications and impact of any such development to neighbouring and surrounding habit/environment? This extends beyond Pakenham and into other villages. - What Fenland habitat will be provided and brought to Pakenham? - What is the impact of this and any additional wetland to the immediate locality, as well as that who may be impacted by it? There are a number features in Pakenham, such as the Watermill and adjacent Wildlife Trust land of concern for this development. - What consultation has and will be undertaken with residents, including those who land shall be impacted by the Compulsory Purchase? Further detail is required on this development and whilst it is intended to be obtained as part of a Compulsory Acquisition of Land in Pakenham, it is not something that at this moment in time can receive my support. Yours, Simon Brown Councillor - Pakenham Ward West Suffolk District Council