Advice to Sizewell Parishes Liaison Group
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- From
- Sizewell Parishes Liaison Group
- Date advice given
- 1 February 2013
- Enquiry type
- Phone
Cllr Swallow had a number of queries regarding the developer's pre-application consultation and how to register views after an application has been submitted.
Advice given
Pre-Application Consultation
The proposed Sizewell C Nuclear Power Station is currently at the pre-application stage and has yet to be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate?s National Infrastructure Directorate. At pre-application developers have a statutory duty to consult the public and prescribed consultees under sections 42, 47 and 48 of the Planning Act 2008 (as amended).
The developer?s pre-application consultation offers an important opportunity to provide early feedback and potentially influence a proposal before its submission to the Planning Inspectorate. After an application is submitted there is only limited scope for the developer to change their scheme.
You may already be aware of the below links that contain further details on the Sizewell project pre-application consultation.
EDF Statement of Community Consultation
EDF Sizewell Consultation Website
The aggregated feedback from all phases of the pre-application consultation form part of the developer?s Consultation Report. This document is submitted to the Planning Inspectorate as part of the prescribed application documentation. The Planning Inspectorate can also request copies of the individual responses to the pre-application consultation as part of our acceptance check.
The Consultation Report for Hinkley Point C provides an example of the type of information provided by a Consultation Report. Please follow this link.
Registering Views Post Application Submission
If the application is accepted by the Planning Inspectorate, there will then be an opportunity to register your views within the examination process by completing a relevant representation form during the specified period. We encourage this to be done via our online submission facility, but there is the option to request a paper copy of the form.
People may register as individuals and on behalf of one or more separate organisations that they represent. Once registered, they are then able to submit further written representations during the examination process and otherwise participate fully.
Full details about how and when to register for the Sizewell C application would be publicised by the developer in local media. The Planning Inspectorate would also provide details about how to register, including our online facility, and other project information on our website?s project page.
Planning Inspectorate?s Sizewell Project Page
General information on how to participate in the application process can be found in our advice notes. The 8.x advice series offers introductory information for the general public on how the infrastructure planning process works. Advice Note 8.1: How the Process Works and Advice Note 8.2: How to have your Say on a Major Infrastructure Proposal may be of particular interest.
Planning Inspectorate Advice Notes
I hope this response has been helpful. If you any further questions or want any of the above points clarified, our enquiries line is available to help on 0303 444 5000 or you can send queries to