Advice to Joan Girling
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- From
- Joan Girling
- Date advice given
- 8 March 2017
- Enquiry type
Sorry to bother you again, as a resident of Leiston -cum - Sizewell, you will understand I have a great deal of concern about my local patch. I have therefore taken a great deal of interest in the Statutory Bodies Responses to the SZC 2nd Consultation, I assume these responses are available to members of the public on request as they are a part of the pre-application process. I have been pleased to received several including Suffolk County Council and Suffolk Coastal District Council.
However are there any circumstances in which a Public Body as a Statutory Consultee may with hold their response to EDFE when it is requested by a member of the public ?
Advice given
Thank you for your email regarding EDFE’s pre-application consultation for the proposed Sizewell C New Nuclear Power Station.
There is no provision in the 2008 Planning Act (as amended) (PA2008) that states that the Applicant must publish any responses from a statutory body it has consulted with before submitting the application to the Planning Inspectorate (the Inspectorate). The responses will however be summarised and included as part of the Applicant’s consultation report when the application is submitted to the Inspectorate to show how the consultation has informed the application.
If you wish to read the statutory bodies’ responses before the application is submitted to the Inspectorate, I would recommend you contact the Applicant directly to request copies of the responses. If the Applicant is unable to supply you with copies of the responses, the relevant statutory bodies might be able to send you copies of their responses.
Please be aware that should there be any sensitive material contained in the correspondence, the Applicant and/or statutory bodies may be unable to release the information to you.
Please also note we have now set up a project mailbox: which I have copied into this response. This will be monitored regularly by the project team should you need any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.