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Advice to Middleton Parish Council

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Middleton Parish Council
Date advice given
26 November 2018
Enquiry type

Good afternoon.

I feel it is appropriate to bring to your attention the attached letter that has been sent to our County and District Council leaders and senior officers, as well as relevant departments in central Government.

Not only has EDFE failed dismally to provide cogent information for us to meaningfully respond to their consultations at Stage 1 and 2, but the Councils' Task Group have clearly been discussing some of the most important issues that will affect the local population in camera. They are unwilling to share any of the topics discussed or possible outcomes.

Allied to what is now recognised will be a head-on clash between the building of Sizewell C and the onshore infrastructure for the Scottish Power Renewables (SPR) windfarms East Anglia ONE north and TWO, we are very concerned.

SPR are being equally secretive concerning the release of any useful information, to permit potentially affected residents to effectively respond to their latest Consultation Stage 3.5. See the Parish Council notice that Middleton has circulated, also attached.

East Suffolk is already on the verge of being overburdened with the support of existing major infrastructure that currently overloads our local roads (particularly the B1122) on a regular basis to the detriment of everyday life and livelihood. Yet the two power companies are attempting to simply ride roughshod over us in their quest to build even more using existing roads - in order to save them expense? In the long run, they will each get in each others' way and cause both projects to lose time - and that would be more expensive!

Kind regards,

Cllr Roy Dowding

Middleton Parish Council

On behalf of the B1122 Action Group

Advice given

Dear Sir,

Thank you for your email and apologies for the delayed reply.

As the project has not yet been submitted to the Planning Inspectorate (the Inspectorate), the Inspectorate has no formal powers to intervene on consultees’ behalf and therefore I would encourage you to contact the developer directly to make your concerns heard as they have a statutory duty to take your views into account.

Your comments sent to local authorities (LA) should be considered when the LA’s provide Adequacy of Consultation responses to the Inspectorate on whether the Applicant has fulfilled its consultation duties.

The Inspectorate can also consider your comments in addition to the statutorily required Acceptance tests when making the decision about whether or not to accept the application under section 55 of the Planning Act 2008. It will be for the decision maker (the Inspectorate on behalf of the Secretary of State) to decide the weight to give to the views expressed in your comments based on the individual facts of the case.

If the application is accepted for examination you will have the opportunity to make representations about the merits of the application to an appointed Examining Authority at the appropriate time.

For information, please see link below to Advice Note 8 which sets out an overview of the nationally significant infrastructure planning process for members of the public and others.

A copy of your email and attachments and this response will be published to the project webpages.

Yours faithfully


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