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Advice to Chris Edwards

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Chris Edwards
Date advice given
12 April 2019
Enquiry type

I am unclear as to how the published documents display the new scoping request information and previous scoping opinion and in particular “ the interaction between the previous opinion and the new scoping exercise. “ Can you also confirm the following has taken place? The Developer confirmed it will provide narrative and justification in the scoping request “ This is after all a response to the PI’s own requirement and so an answer to both these questions must surely be to hand?

Advice given

As set out in Regulation 8 of the 2017 EIA regulations prior to consultation the applicant must: (a) ask the Secretary of State to adopt a screening opinion in respect of the development to which the application relates; or (b) notify the Secretary of State in writing that the person proposes to provide an environmental statement in respect of that development. The documents I have previously directed you towards contain information on how the Applicant has acted in accordance with this. The Inspectorate is still awaiting the new scoping request.