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Advice to Paul Tillcock

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Paul Tillcock
Date advice given
17 October 2019
Enquiry type

Dear Sir/Madam, Ref Planning Application No DC/19/1637/FUL Relocation of Sizewell B Power Station Complex and use of Adjoining land. Please may I strongly object to the planning application for above application, as I believe this application should be part of the overall Sizewell C planning application? It appears to me that EDF are misusing the planning system and trying to sneakily get this through pretending this as merely a matter of good housekeeping and tidying up the legacy of Sizewell A & B, whereas in effect they are attempting to pre-empt the Sizewll C application and make room for the massive two new reactors. This is a cynical and manipulative way to get what they want without proper consideration to the local community, if you allow them to succeed with this application they will immediately start to destroy woodland and other areas. Why did they build all of these buildings if they knew about Sizewell C and why if there is ample room for Sizewell C do they need to process this anyway? My understanding is that Hinckley point is on a 400 acre site and bursting at the seams whereas the proposed Sizewell C nearer 200 acres, no wonder they need to demolish/destroy existing buildings to even get anywhere near a big enough site. I have asked EDF for the size of their only existing two reactor site in Taishan and (Norway) the appropriate site size and they will not reveal this to me, do you know? In my opinion you should decline this application and make them do the right thing and make it part of their full application which they will have be under the full scrutiny of the inspectorate, environment agency etc etc as well as public scrutiny. Once an environment such a woodland is destroyed it takes years to regrow and flora and fauna may never return SO PLEASE PLEASE do not let a large company with fancy lawyers and surveyors and ample resources hoodwink us by allowing this to go ahead. If they need this area to build Sizewell C then they should rightly say so and apply to the Planning Inspectorate. My concerns extend to the environmental impact of the Proposed Sizewell C, the exorbitant cost the RAB finance initiative, the prolonged clean water supply, the traffic chaos, the However I must again say this cannot be decided locally the project is too immense for us to decide, it must be looked at nationally especially as we have the other major power projects from wind farms locally too. Yours sincerely Paul Tillcock Kelsale Suffolk

Advice given

Dear Paul, I am writing regarding your correspondence sent to the Planning Inspectorate (the Inspectorate) dated 14 August 2019 in relation to the above proposals. The Inspectorate is the government agency responsible for examining applications for Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects. It will, if submitted and accepted, examine the application for an Order Granting Development Consent for a new nuclear power station development at Sizewell in Suffolk (Sizewell C). You may want to contact the relevant Local Planning Authority in regards to the Sizewell B Planning Application. I hope you find this information to be helpful. Yours sincerely, Liam Liam Fedden Case Officer Sizewell C Case Team