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Advice to Nick Scarr

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Nick Scarr
Date advice given
26 February 2020
Enquiry type

Re: ‘Sizewell as a potentially suitable site for new nuclear’ EN-6 Please would you consider the following two statements when reviewing EN-6, ‘potential site suitability for new nuclear’: 1) According to the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IME) “…in the UK, nuclear sites such as Sizewell, which is based on the coastline, may need considerable investment to protect it against rising sea levels, or even abandonment/relocation” IME (Institution of Mechanical Engineers) (2009): Climate Change: Adapting to the inevitable, Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Westminster, London. 2) A Dutch government scientist has proposed building two mammoth dams to completely enclose the North Sea and protect an estimated 25 million Europeans from the consequences of rising sea levels as a result of global heating. Sjoerd Groeskamp, an oceanographer at the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, said a 475km dam between north Scotland and west Norway and another 160km one between west France and south-west England was “a possible solution”. In a paper to be published this month in the American Journal of Meteorology, Groeskamp and Joakim Kjellsson of the Geomar centre for ocean research in Kiel, Germany, say the idea is affordable and technically feasible – if intended more as “a warning of the immensity of the problem hanging over our heads”. Regards Nick Scarr

Advice given

Dear Mr Scarr Thank you for your email sent to the Planning Inspectorate. Please note that the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) have responsibility for reviewing and designating National Policy Statements, including EN-6. The link below provides the latest information about the designation of the new National Policy Statement for Energy for nuclear power generation (NPS EN-6): Please note that page 6 provides details of the timeline towards designating the new NPS. Kind regards Michele Gregory