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Advice to Mike Taylor

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Mike Taylor
Date advice given
16 March 2020
Enquiry type

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Advice given

As you are aware the Planning Inspectorate has published Advice Note Eleven which explains the general principles around effective working relationships with relevant public bodies and includes information about consents and licencing. Annex D provides specific information about the Environment Agency’s role in relation to Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects. Annex F provides specific information about the role of the Office for Nuclear Regulation and states that: “It is the applicant’s responsibility to comply with both regulatory and DCO requirements and applicants are strongly encouraged to liaise with ONR, EA and NRW prior to and during the examination to ensure consistency with the requirements/conditions that ONR/EA/NRW may impose on any licence or consent.” All Advice Notes are available to view on the National Infrastructure Planning website: Please note that the Planning Inspectorate has held meetings with the Applicant, the Environment Agency and the Defra group (Natural England, The Marine Management Organisation and The Environment Agency) where the co-ordination of permit, licence and consent applications was discussed and advice provided. Notes of these meetings are available to view on the project page of the National Infrastructure Planning website: With regard to site location and suitability please note that the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) has responsibility for reviewing and designating National Policy Statements, including EN-6. The link below provides the latest information about the designation of the new National Policy Statement for Energy for nuclear power generation including the siting criteria (NPS EN-6): Page 6 provides details of the timeline towards designating the new NPS.


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