Advice to Farnham Environment Friends & Neighbours
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- From
- Farnham Environment Friends & Neighbours
- Date advice given
- 27 April 2020
- Enquiry type
Dear Liam Fedden, Thank you for your email re the above. I represent a group of people called FERN who will he having to submit documents and evidence about the 2 village bypass proposal. A couple of things: 1) no email verification email received when I signed up to get alerts 2) I understand EDF submit and you decide whether to accept application within 28 days, but I can’t find the answer too the following: if you do accept it, how long we have to prepare and submit our own evidence, we need time as, EDF would not share their final plans with us, nor any of their evidence, informing us we can see it at the DCO stage. This means we will be under pressure to analyse what they’ve done and prepare our comments. Alongside having to reestablish life after coronavirus, we will have to spend many hours having to deal with this and need time to prepare in an orderly manner. 3) I can’t find advice on how best we, as interested parties, submit our evidence that meets your requirements? I look forward to hearing from you, Many thanks, Sarah Morgan Kew Dip. (Hons)
Advice given
Dear Sarah Morgan Thank you for your email. I am sorry that you did not receive a verification email when signing up for Email Updates. I will raise this with our IT team. I can confirm that should the application be accepted the Planning Inspectorate will publish all the application documents on the project page of the National Infrastructure Planning website as soon as practicable. These will be available under the ‘Documents’ tab. As you know the Applicant would then advertise the Relevant Representation period when those who wish to fully participate in the Examination must register to become an Interested Party. EDF have indicated that this period would be extended from the 30 days minimum to allow everyone more time to read the documents through the summer months and submit their views during the Pre-examination period. Once the six-month Examination period starts registered Interested Parties can then submit further Written Representations to expand on those views. Further information about the requirements for registering as an Interested Party can be found in the Planning Inspectorate’s Advice Note 8.2: Further information about the content of Interested Parties Written Representations can be found in the Planning Inspectorate’s Advice Note 8.4: I hope the above information answers your queries. Regards Liam