Cyngor i Alan Hatt
Yn ôl i'r rhestrYmholiad
- Oddiwrth
- Alan Hatt
- Y dyddiad y rhoddwyd y cyngor
- 6 Mai 2020
- Math o ymholiad
Dear Sir, please stop the DCO submission from EDF for Sizewel C.We the residents of Theberton and Middleton living along the [redacted] are already [redacted] and exhausted. Why 1.Living for 8 years with the threat of the largest project in Europe possibly, 2.Most of the residents are over seventy and are in lock down possibly till December.3. A number are under "expressions of interest" from EDF to take part of their front gardens and some to loose their farms.4.With the cancellation of movements over a cancelled jetty and very little coming by train a road led stratagy with 1100 lorry movements a day via B1122 and a bypass going god knows where.5.We the old locked down for many months to come. and 6.YOU PROPOSE TO WELCOME THE DCO FROM EDF. EDF arrogantly claim that we the public must learn new ways of working backed up by PINS confidently predicting the DCO can be accommodate during lockdown..So people in their 70s and 80,s have to buy large computers,learn to cope with hundreds of on line documents including tiny maps that when enlarged mean nothing, impossible to read. Zoom conferencing to those able to understand more. Obscure links embedded in documents to hide or confuse. (our councils are adept at this). Before lock down we would have all gone to our local library , read the reporton paper, got relevant copies and discussed at public meetings. To quote... If this is justice(and democracy) in action I,m a banana. Ian Hislop.
Cyngor a roddwyd
Dear Mr Hatt, Thank you for your email expressing concern at the submission of the Sizewell C New Nuclear Power Station Development Consent Order (DCO) application. The process for applying for a DCO is set out in the Planning Act 2008. The timing of the application is at the discretion of the Applicant. The project page of the National Infrastructure Planning website will be updated when the application is received and when the decision on whether or not to accept the application for Examination is made. It is important to note that when an Applicant submits an application for development consent to the Planning Inspectorate that there then follows a period of up to 28 days for the Planning Inspectorate, on behalf of the Secretary of State, to decide whether or not the application meets the standards required to be accepted for Examination. The standards are set out in Section 55 of the Planning Act 2008 (as amended) and Regulations 5 and 6 of the Infrastructure Planning (Applications: Prescribed Forms and Procedure) Regulations 2009. All parties are encouraged to sign up for Email Updates using the button on the project page or via the link below: Email Updates will enable parties to observe what’s happening on the application after it has been submitted to the Planning Inspectorate. Should the application be accepted for Examination, it is important to note that if parties then wish to participate in the Examination they would need to register as an Interested Party at the appropriate time during the Pre-examination stage. If parties have signed up for the Email Updates they will receive a prompt when the registration period opens (the Relevant Representation period). For further information about registering as an Interested Party please see ‘Advice Note 8.2: How to register to participate in an Examination’. The Advice Note explains that if the Planning Inspectorate decides to accept an application for Examination, it will then be the Applicant’s duty to advertise the Relevant Representation period and provide details about how to register to become an Interested Party. The Applicant has indicated that it will extend this registration period beyond the statutory minimum of thirty days, if the application is accepted, to allow all parties more time to review the application documents and register their interest before the start of the six month Examination stage. The Planning Inspectorate is mindful of the need to ensure both openness and fairness throughout all stages of the DCO process and will continue to highlight this in discussions with the Applicant. Finally, with regard to the current Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, please refer to the Planning Inspectorate’s published guidance which will be updated as the situation develops. I hope you find the above information helpful. Kind regards, Liam