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Dod o hyd i Brosiect Seilwaith Cenedlaethol

Gwasanaeth beta yw hwn - bydd eich adborth yn ein helpu i'w wella.

Cyfarfod gyda Lissett & Ulrome Parish Council

Yn ôl i'r rhestr


Cyfarfod gyda
Lissett & Ulrome Parish Council
Dyddiad y cyfarfod
3 Gorffennaf 2014
Math o ymholiad

Query made at Accompanied Site Visit on 2 July 2014 in relation to submission of representations

Cyngor a roddwyd

I would be most grateful if you could forward this email to the Lissett and Ulrome Councillors who attended yesterdays accompanied site visit;

Thank you for attending the accompanied site visit yesterday on behalf of Lissett and Ulrome Parish Council. Further to our discussion, for your information please see the following link; which will take you to the original examination timetable (Annex B) issued by the Examining Authority (ExA) on 25 February 2014 and sent to all those who were invited to attend the Preliminary Meeting which was held at Hull City Hall on 17 February.

On 6 June 2014, the ExA issued a variation to that timetable and I would strongly encourage you to familiarise yourself with the deadlines as set out at Annex B at the following link;

You may also wish to note, two rounds of written questions have already been issued by the ExA along with other written material which has been submitted to the examination by interested parties and includes responses to those questions along with comments on responses. As well as written submissions, a number of hearings have also taken place throughout the examination, details of which can be found in the examination timetable at the above link along with audio recordings.

All examination documentation has been made publicly available and can be found on the project webpage; should you have any queries regarding the navigation of the website for this documentation, please do not hesitate to contact us.

During our discussion yesterday, you implied that Lissett and Ulrome Parish Council submitted a representation by email to this examination at some time around February or May 2014, I have been unable to locate this so it would be very much appreciated if you could confirm the date of its submission and similarly, it would be helpful if you could forward me a copy so we can ensure it is put before the ExA.

In addition, with the close of examination being on or before 18 August 2014, if you intend to submit a representation it would be helpful if you could do so as soon as possible to enable the ExA to take these into consideration and allow interested parties an opportunity to comment.

To prevent any delay in your representation reaching the ExA, please ensure you also send this to the project mailbox: so a member of the case team can action it accordingly should I not be available.