Mae'r rhestr isod yn cynnwys cofnod o gyngor a roddwyd gennym ar gyfer y prosiect hwn.
Chwiliwch yn ôl geiriau allweddol neu enw'r unigolyn y rhoddwyd y cyngor iddo.
How can I make a personal submission to the Navitus Bay enquiry?
Query regarding how and when to submit a document into the examination that is not intended to be a new representation, but is additional information to assist the ExA.
I would like to ask a few questions about the Navitus Bay Examination.
1) When making submissions for the 5th November deadline is it acceptable to mix the category of submission within one document e...
Darllen mwy
On behalf of PCBA I am writing to note the substantial volume of material that you have received by way of Written Reps. Our early review suggests this is an unprecedented volume with substantial p...
Darllen mwy
There has been an exceptional response to Deadline II, not least from the applicant, including new information that we would have expected to have been available pre-application when there was more ti...
Darllen mwy
When the Jurassic Coast was given World Heritage status, by UNESCO the UK govt was charged with ensuring its status in perpetuity against massive industrial development. The proposed Wind Farm in Pool...
Darllen mwy
Could you clarify 3 points for me:
a) I am already registered as an Interested Party. Does this allow me to attend the hearing scheduled for 22 January 2015 on Compulsory Acquisition ?
b) If ...
Darllen mwy
Query regarding the Issue Specific Hearings and how people can request to attend or speak. Ms Corrie also queried how people would know that they needed to submit a Written Representation or make a re...
Darllen mwy
Query relating to a newspaper article.
Query regarding how to become an Interested Party.
We have received from the Applicant a draft SOCG that is under consideration. Since there is the question of compulsory powers to consider, am I right in thinking this would be a suitable matter to tr...
Darllen mwy
Query relating to the use of Section 106 Agreements.
PCBA has reviewed its approach to the Examination in light of your procedure letter dated 31 July. In that letter you request submissions before 1 September and I am sending you this note to cover th...
Darllen mwy
I have noted in your letter of 31st July that the Panel has decided to accept the submission of the technical annexes and has set a deadline of 6th October
Would you please advise if within these su...
Darllen mwy
As we mentioned at our previous meeting, we will have video evidence to submit to the ExA during the Navitus Bay examination. This will require some fairly standard hardware, but it must be "High Def...
Darllen mwy
Has information about this project been put on Face Book which would inform young 18 to 30 year old adults
In accordance with the requirements of the relevant legislation NFDC have worked hard with NBDL and others, notably the other landside LPA?s, to maximise common ground and deliver a mechanism that wil...
Darllen mwy
Request for submission of the LIR on 10 October rather than the deadline of 6 October as stated in the Rule 6 letter, this is due to timings around committee meetings and availability of key members.
I am now writing as arranged with some queries and requests in order that we can contribute to smooth running of the Examination ?
1. One of the headings in Annex H of the Rule 6 letter for SOCG inc...
Darllen mwy
Please see attached TO correspondence
Query enquiring when further comments will be requested to be submitted
In preparation for written representations on the Navitus Bay wind farm, please would you tell me on what media you will accept large data files. It is impractical to email large files, so we may hav...
Darllen mwy
Query relating to the submission of Written Representations, and to how they will know what sort of information to bring to any hearings.
If the CAA are a statutory consultee does ODPM 01/2003 not apply which would result in Bournemouth Airport being a statutory consultee as that circular took the responsibility for safeguarding from th...
Darllen mwy
Query relating to whether The Planning Inspectorate can legally request that a Local Authority gets involved in the examination.