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Advice to Office of Esther McVey MP

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Office of Esther McVey MP
Date advice given
29 April 2013
Enquiry type

Further to reports in the local press today, please could we have some detail on how constituents of Esther McVey MP in Wirral West might make representations on plans concerning the proposed extension to the Burbo Bank wind farm. We would be grateful for any relevant documentation to pass on to residents if approached.

Advice given

As you may be aware, the Planning Inspectorate has recently accepted the application by DONG Energy Burbo Extension (UK) Ltd for the proposed Burbo Bank Extension to proceed to examined. Regular updates and key milestones will be added to the project webpage on the National Infrastructure pages of the Planning Portal?s website; which also outlines when and how people will be able register to take part in the examination:

The application is currently at the ?pre-examination? stage of the process for determining applications for nationally significant infrastructure projects under the Planning Act 2008 (as amended). During this stage the developer will formally notify people of the accepted application and publish details of the ?relevant representation? period ? a minimum period of 28 days within which anyone can register to become an ?interested party? and be involved in the examination (i.e. to make written representations to timetabled deadlines, and/or oral representations at any hearings). People will be able to register electronically via the project webpage, or by requesting a hard copy relevant representation form from the Planning Inspectorate by phone, email or letter.

For a more detailed description of the process for examining applications for nationally significant infrastructure projects and how to get involved, I attach the Planning Inspectorate?s advice note series 8.

If you or any of Ms. McVey?s constituents require clarification on any of the material attached, please do not hesitate to contact us again by phone, via the project inbox at or by letter.