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Advice to Williams Rural & Commercial

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Williams Rural & Commercial
Date advice given
28 November 2013
Enquiry type

Submission of a request to become an interested party under s102A of the Planning Act 2008 "I act for various tenants and owners of land affected by the linear power connection route from landfall to the proposed Sub Station and therefore need to be advised of progression of the DCO application"

Advice given

Thank you for your request to become an interested party for the Burbo Bank Offshore Wind Farm project on behalf of G Howatson Esq.

For clarification, the Planning Inspectorate is dealing with an application for a Development Consent Order for the offshore element of the proposed project. This would be located west of the operational Burbo Bank offshore wind farm in Liverpool Bay. This is being dealt with as a Nationally significant Infrastructure project (NSIP) as defined in the Planning Act 2008.

The land and development to which you refer in your form is subject to an application to Denbighshire County Council, under the Town and Country planning Act 1990. The reference for this application is 31/2013/0400.

Unfortunately the only method of registering as an interested party for the Burbo Bank Offshore wind Farm project NSIP is to submit a representation during the prescribed period which ended on 24 June 2013. However, if you were to submit a representation about the project during the examination and ask us to accept it, it would be at the Examining inspector's discretion to consider your request.

We are currently in the examination phase of the process where there are a number of public hearings to discuss the application. The timetable for the examination can be found here: You are welcome to attend the hearings and it would be at the Inspector's discretion to consider whether you can speak. For further information about the process and to follow the progress of the NSIP application on the website please use the following link: