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Palm Paper 3 CCGT Power station Kings Lynn Examination timetable

The examination timetable shows the dates of events and deadlines for submissions.

If you have registered to have your say, you can do this in the examination stage.

The examination stage

The examination opened on 18 February 2015

The examination closed on 18 August 2015

Upcoming deadlines and events

There are no deadlines and events

Past deadlines and events

18 February 2015 - Preliminary Meeting



25 February 2015 - Deadline 1


Issue by the ExA of the Rule 8 letter including: 1.Examination timetable 2.The ExA’s first written questions

11 March 2015 - Deadline 2


Deadline 1: Deadline for receipt of comments on the Applicant’s letter dated 9 February 2015

18 March 2015 - Deadline 3


Deadline 2: Responses to comments received at Deadline 1

23 March 2015 - Deadline 4


Deadline 3: Deadline for receipt of: 1.Local Impact Reports (LIR) from the Borough Council ofKing’s Lynn and West Norfolk, and any other relevantlocal authorities 2.Statements of Common Ground (SoCG) requested by theExA – see Annex G 3.Responses to the ExA’s first written questions 4.Comments on relevant representations (RRs) 5.Summaries of all RRs exceeding 1500 words 6.Written representations (WRs) by all interested parties 7.Summaries of all WRs exceeding 1500 words 8.Comments on any submissions received prior to thepreliminary meeting 9.Schedule of mitigation 10.Submissions from interested parties recommendinglocations or items for the itinerary for the accompaniedsite visit 11.Any further information requested by the ExA for this deadline. Notifications 1.Notification by interested parties of wish to be heard atan open floor hearing 2.Notification by interested parties of their intention toattend the accompanied site visit(s) 3.Notification by statutory parties of wish to be consideredan interested party

20 April 2015 - Deadline 5


Deadline 4: Deadline for receipt by the ExA of: 1.Comments on LIR 2.Comments on responses to the ExA’s first writtenquestions 3.Responses to comments on RRs 4.Comments on WRs 5.Responses to comments on any submissions receivedprior to the preliminary meeting 6.Any revised draft DCO from applicant 7.Revised matrices provided by the applicant requested bythe ExA for this deadline (Annex G of Rule 6 letter dated15 January 2015) 8.Any further information requested by the ExA for this deadline

28 April 2015 - Site Visit (Accompanied)


Date reserved for accompanied site visit of the site and surrounding area

29 April 2015 - Issue Specific Hearing 1


Date reserved for issue specific hearing on draft Development Consent Order (DCO)

29 April 2015 - Open Floor Hearing


Date reserved for open floor hearing

30 April 2015 - Issue Specific Hearing 2


Dates reserved for any other issue specific hearings

18 May 2015 - Deadline 6


Deadline 5: Deadline for receipt of: 1.Applicant’s revised draft DCO 2.Updated SoCG 3.Any information requested by the ExA at the hearings 4.Written summaries of oral cases put at hearings 5.Any further information requested by the ExA for this deadline

8 June 2015 - Deadline 7


Deadline 6: Deadline for receipt of: 1.Comments on applicant’s revised draft DCO 2.Any further information requested by the ExA for this deadline

15 June 2015 - Deadline 8


Issue by the ExA of: 1.(i) Second written questions (if required) OR (ii) Report on Implications for European Sites (RIES) (if a RIES is required and if second written questions are not necessary)

6 July 2015 - Deadline 9


Deadline 7: Deadline for receipt of: 1.(i) Responses to the ExA’s second written questions (ifsecond questions were issued on Monday 15 June2015) OR (ii) Comments on the ExA’s RIES (if RIES was issued on Monday 15 June 2015) 2 Any further information requested by the ExA for this deadline

20 July 2015 - Deadline 10


Deadline 8: Deadline for receipt of: 1.Comments on responses to the ExA’s second writtenquestions (if second questions were issued)

27 July 2015 - Deadline 11


Issue by the ExA of: 1.Report on Implications for European Sites (RIES) (if aRIES is required and if second written questionswere issued on Monday 15 June 2015)

10 August 2015 - Deadline 12


Deadline 9: Deadline for receipt of: 1.Comments on the ExA’s RIES (if RIES was publishedon Monday 27 July 2015) 2.Any further information requested by the ExA for this deadline

12 August 2015 - Site Visit (Unaccompanied)


Site visit