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Advice to Forewind

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Date advice given
4 November 2014
Enquiry type

In responding to Examiners 2nd questions, can the examiners clarify Question 14.1. The Question states: ?A plan from the original application (APP-023 2.8.2) identifies the location of the RIGS site north of the Teesside A&B landfall. Please outline this site on the plan contained in Appendix A from your response to EXQ1, question 6.24?

The applicants response to question 6.24 of the 1st EXQ1 does not contain an Appendix A or a plan. Forewind did provide a plan at Appendix A in response to Question 14.3 of EXQ1 in regards to the geology of the offshore export cable corridor. Can PINS confirm if this is the plan they wish to see the RIGS boundary outlined or if not which plan they are referring to?

Note ? If it is the plan in response to Q 14.3, adding the RIGS boundaries to this would not be very informative due to the plans scaling (1:320,000). Forewind can prepare a plan with a smaller scaling at landfall.

Many thanks

Advice given

The document referred to is 6.24.2, Environmental Statement, Chapter 24, Appendix B - Flood Risk Assessment and the plan referred to appears in Appendix A of that document and has a drawing number: T-DES-0149-01 and drawing Title: Figure 1: Dogger Bank Teesside A & B ? Landfall.

The drawing shows the cable landfall sites for Dogger Bank Teesside A&B and C&D and you are asked to locate and identify the RIGS site on that 1:28,000 drawing.

I hope this clarifies, if not please let me know.