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Advice to Forewind Ltd

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Forewind Ltd
Date advice given
18 December 2012
Enquiry type

I am writing to advise the Planning Inspectorate of the application strategy and programme for ?Dogger Bank Teesside?, including the proposed approach to cumulative impact assessment within the Environmental Statement.

Advice given

Thank you for your letter dated 13 December 2012 providing an update on Forewind's application programme and consenting strategy. We note the points set out in your letter and make the following comments:

EIA Scoping: We note that it is not Forewind's intention to submit a new scoping request for Dogger Bank Teesside C and D. This of course is at the developer's discretion - scoping is not mandatory - although we would encourage applicants to scope as circumstances do change and the purpose of scoping is to assist you with the preparation of your environmental statement. We also note the statement in paragraph 1.4.10 of the Dogger Bank Teesside scoping report (May 2012) that 'the offshore elements of Dogger Bank Teesside within the Zone will be wholly or partly located in Tranches A and B'. It now appears that Dogger Bank Teesside C and D will fall wholly outside of Tranches A and B. In the absence of a scoping exercise covering the area outside Tranches A and B you should be satisfied that your environmental assessment covers all the matters relevant to the application site. We also note that the grid connection point for Dogger Bank Teesside C and D has yet to be confirmed and it may assist you in the preparation of your environmental statement to have considered consultation responses regarding the possible location and its implications.

Cumulative impact assessment: We note the proposed approach to cumulative impact assessment within the Environmental Statement for Dogger Bank Creyke Beck A and B and Dogger Bank Teesside A and B in respect of Dogger Bank Teesside C and D. We would encourage you to follow the approach set out in National Infrastructure Advice Note 9 (, see in particular page 8), including to acknowledge and cover in the cumulative assessment any major development that is reasonably likely to come forward. The environmental statement should not simply omit consideration of future projects, rather it should take an approach to the assessment that is proportionate to the level of detail available. On the basis that the DCO application for Dogger Bank Teesside C and D is anticipated to be submitted around one year after the application for Teesside A and B, it is reasonable to assume that a certain level of information would be available to inform a cumulative assessment at the time of the Teesside A & B application. The position should be clearly explained and form part of the cumulative impact assessment.