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Ferrybridge Multifuel 2 (FM2) Power Station

Section 51 advice

The list below includes a record of advice we have provided for this project.

There is a statutory duty, under section 51 of the Planning Act 2008, around an application or potential application. This includes recording the name of the person who requested advice and the advice given. This information has to be made publicly available.

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Showing 1 to 13 of 13 documents, newest first.

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  • Advice to Rowland Smith

    Would you be kind enough to advise me as to if and/or when the original Ferrybridge C power station is to be demolished please? As grateful as I am for the information on offer regarding the multi fue... Read more

  • Advice to James Smith

    I have read your recent report and this seems in conflict with a recent announcement that you were demolishing and going on to gas. Please confirm where we now stand. It is getting confusing.

  • Meeting with Multifuel Energy Ltd

    DCO amendment meeting

  • Advice to Wakefield Council

    Thank you for sending through details of the notice of Preliminary Meeting and the draft timetable for examination of the application in relation to the above, dated 10th November. I am writing to re... Read more

  • Advice to Dalton Warner Davis LLP

    1. Is if necessary for each application document to have a summary? Advice Note 6 suggests this is the case. However, we have a number of descriptive documents (e.g. site description and proposed de... Read more

  • Advice to Dalton Warner Davis LLP

    The Applicant - Multifuel Energy Limited - has submitted a draft of their 'No Significant Effects Report' for review. Please find the Planning Inspectorate's comments below.

  • Meeting with Multifuel Energy Limited (MEL)

    Meeting with Multifuel Energy Limited (MEL) to receive project update and to issue feedback on draft documents

  • Advice to DWD LLP

    I agreed to set out the issues discussed during the call that it would be useful for PINS to consider and provide a response on. These are set out below: 1. Generation licence ? SSE already holds a... Read more

  • Meeting with Multifuel Energy Limited (MEL)

    Telephone Conference - Project Update

  • Meeting with Multifuel Energy Ltd

    Meeting between Multifuel Energy Limited and the Planning Inspectorate?s FM2 case team and Consents Service Unit

  • Advice to Geoff Bullock

    Could you advise on when it would be appropriate to engage with CABE on design matters?

  • Meeting with Multifuel Energy Limited (MEL)

    Up-date on the FM2 project and site visit

  • Meeting with Meeting with SSE, Dalton Warner Davis and URS

    Introduction to the Ferrybridge Multifuel 2 project.