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Advice to Royal Mail

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Royal Mail
Date advice given
18 January 2016
Enquiry type

Dear Meaford Case team.

BNP Paribas Real Estate acts for Royal Mail (IP number 10031419) and submitted a relevant representation on 19 June 2015.

We note that responses to the ExA?s draft DCO at Deadline 7 has been removed from the timetable as well as comments on responses to the ExA?s draft DCO at Deadline 8 and that the Examination will end on 20 February 2016.

Please can you advise if there are any remaining opportunities for our client to submit further written representation, if required.

Many thanks

Advice given

Dear Mr Parry-Jones

Thank you for your email.

As you mention below, the Examining Authority (ExA) issued a letter on 7 January 2016 amending the remaining timetable for this examination. In this letter, the ExA advised he was not be issuing a draft DCO and therefore there was no longer a need for the deadlines seeking responses to this along with any other comments on the responses.

Whilst the ultimate deadline for the close of examination is 20 February 2016, the letter of 7 January 2016 also informed parties that the ExA may decide to close the examination early and if he does you will be notified in accordance with section 99 of the Planning Act 2008 (as amended by the localism act).

The examination to date, has had seven deadlines including ones where Royal mail along with other interested parties were invited to submit representations and make comments on any other representations (as set out in the timetable). Aside from the relevant representation submitted by Royal Mail and general email correspondence with the Meaford Case Team, we have not received any other representation. If Royal Mail intend to submit a further representation or comments into the examination, I would encourage you to submit these as soon as possible. It will then be at the discretion of the ExA to decide whether to accept these into the examination.

Please note the ExA will not be able to take into account any submissions received after the close of examination however they will be sent to the Secretary of State at the same time as the ExA?s recommendation report.

I hope this answers your query, however if you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind Regards

Kay Sully Case Manager