All project updates
7 February 2025
The Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero has made a decision to approve the Lesser Black-Backed Gull Implementation and Management Plan (LBBIMP), as required by Part 2 of Schedule 18 to the Development Consent Order.
11 October 2024
The Secretary of State has issued an Approval Letter on 10 November 2024 for the Red Throated Diver Plan for the Work, pursuant to Schedule 18, Part 3 of the East Anglia TWO Offshore Wind Farm Order 2022.
8 July 2024
A Decision Letter (PDF, 238KB) has been issued by the Department of Energy Security and Net Zero for the Kittiwake Implementation and Monitoring Plan.
15 May 2024
The responses received to the Secretary of State's consultation letter dated 12 April 2024 have now been published.
12 April 2024
In accordance with Schedule 18 Part 1 of the East Anglia ONE North Offshore Wind Farm Order 2022 and the East Anglia TWO Offshore Wind Farm Order 2022, the Secretary of State has invited the Marine Management Organisation, Natural England, East Suffolk Council, Great Yarmouth Borough Council, the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, Norfolk Boreas Limited and Norfolk Vanguard Limited, to comment on the Kittiwake Implementation Plan.
The deadline for responses is 23.59 on 12 May 2024.
14 November 2023
The responses received to the Secretary of State's consultation letter dated 6 October 2023 have now been published.
6 October 2023
6 September 2023
11 July 2023
11 May 2023
16 January 2023
22 December 2022
31 March 2022
Secretary of State’s Decision Letter (PDF, 1MB)
Planning Inspectorate Notification of Decision Cover Letter (PDF, 140KB)
Development Consent Order as Made (PDF, 1MB)
Examining Authority’s Recommendation Report Volume 1 (PDF, 5MB)
Examining Authority’s Recommendation Report Volume 2 (PDF, 15MB)
Examining Authority’s Recommendation Report Volume 3 (PDF, 5MB)
Habitats Regulations Assessment (PDF, 3MB)
Regulation 31 Notice (PDF, 109KB)
Post Examination Submissions (PDF, 54MB)
Additional responses received by the Secretary of State since the close of the consultation period have also now been published.
31 March 2022
18 March 2022
14 March 2022
2 February 2022
20 December 2021
The SoS has set a new deadline for the Decision to be made on this application which is 31 March 2022.
7 December 2021
24 November 2021
17 November 2021
2 November 2021
All Interested Parties are requested to comment on specific issues regarding flood risk and the Offshore Ornithology Cumulative and In Combination Collision Risk and Displacement Update submitted by the Applicant at the end of the examination.
The deadline for responses 11.59 pm on 30 November 2021.
6 October 2021
7 July 2021
The Examining Authority has issued a Notification to confirm the completion of the Examination (PDF, 106KB).
The Examination closed at 23:59 on Tuesday 6 July 2021.
6 July 2021
30 June 2021
22 June 2021
AS-133 and AS-134 (to replace REP11-047)
AS-135 and AS-136 (to replace REP11-083)
The Examining Authority has also issued a Rule 17 request for further information (PDF, 230 KB) from the Applicant and eight specific Interested Parties (IPs) requiring a response by Deadline 12, Monday 28 June 2021, however other IPs can also provide responses thereto if they wish. IPs may wish to comment on any of these responses by Deadline 13, Monday 5 July 2021.
18 June 2021
16 June 2021
The authority has also publish a Rule 9 Letter [PDF, 271KB] accepting a proposal by the Applicant to exclude land near Ness House, Thorpeness from the Order as a non-material change.
14 June 2021
11 June 2021
1 June 2021
27 May 2021
The Livestream for events running w/c 24 May 2021 is available for those wishing to observe in real time.
Please refer to the Agenda for Issue Specific Hearing 17 (ISH17) (PDF, 219KB) into the draft Development Consent Order.
The Applicant has submitted a draft response to Examining Authorities Rule 17 request for information (R17QE), (PDF, 143KB) to be used in ISH16 and ISH17.
24 May 2021
The Livestream for events running w/c 24 May 2021 is available for those wishing to observe in real time.
Agenda for Issue Specific Hearing 16 (ISH16) (PDF, 206KB) into the proposed substation site; and
Agenda for Issue Specific Hearing 17 (ISH17) (PDF, 219KB) into the draft Development Consent Order.
20 May 2021
The Livestream for events running w/c 24 May 2021 is available for those wishing to observe in real time.
Please refer to the appropriate Agendas for each day:
Agenda for Issue Specific Hearing 16 (ISH16) (PDF, 206KB) into the proposed substation site; and
Agenda for Issue Specific Hearing 17 (ISH17) (PDF, 219KB) into the draft Development Consent Order.
13 May 2021
The agendas for the following hearings have been published:
Agenda for Issue Specific Hearing 16 (ISH16) (PDF, 206KB) into the proposed substation site; and
Agenda for Issue Specific Hearing 17 (ISH17) (PDF, 219KB) into the draft Development Consent Order.
12 May 2021
The note from the Unaccompanied Site Inspections (PDF, 321KB) undertaken on 22 & 23 April 2021;
Agenda for Issue Specific Hearing 16 (ISH16) (PDF, 206KB) into the proposed substation site; and
Agenda for Issue Specific Hearing 17 (ISH17) (PDF, 219KB) into the draft Development Consent Order.
7 May 2021
The Deadline 10 submissions
Version 3.2 of the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) (PDF, 400KB)
The Planning Inspectorate’s request to extend the examination (PDF, 397 KB)
6 May 2021
29 April 2021
The Examining Authority has issued a Rule 17 letter (PDF, 173KB) requesting further information from the Applicant.
19 April 2021
6 April 2021
The Examining Authority has issued their Rule 8(3) Letter amending the Examination timetable. (PDF, 175KB)
Deadline 9 has now changed. All submissions must now be received by Thursday 15 April 2021.
29 March 2021
26 March 2021
The Procedural Decision (PDF, 259KB) has been added to the Examination Library (PDF, 2MB).
22 March 2021
The Action Points for ISH10 into Health and Wellbeing Assessment (PDF, 112KB), ISH11 into Flood Risk and Drainage (PDF, 83KB), ISH12 into Noise (PDF, 102KB), ISH13 into Traffic and Transport (PDF, 156KB), ISH14 into Biodiversity and Habitats Regulations Assessment (PDF, 163KB), ISH15 into the draft Development Consent Order (DCO) (PDF, 150KB) and CAH3 (PDF, 131KB) have been published. The recordings and transcripts for these events have also been published.
The time reserved for ISH10A, ISH11A, ISH12A, ISH13A, CAH3A, ISH14A, and ISH15A in w/c 23 March 2021 will no longer be required and have therefore been cancelled.
15 March 2021
Please refer to the appropriate Agendas for each day:
- Issue Specific Hearing (ISH) 14 into Biodiversity and Habitats Regulations Assessment (Day 1 and 2) (PDF, 214KB)
- Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 3 (PDF, 185KB)
- ISH15 into the draft DCO (PDF, 214KB)
The Action Points for ISH10 into Health and Wellbeing Assessment (PDF, 112KB), ISH11 into Flood Risk and Drainage (PDF, 83KB), ISH12 into Noise (PDF, 102KB) and ISH13 into Traffic and Transport (PDF, 156KB) have been published. The recordings and transcripts for these events have also been published.
The time reserved for ISH10A, ISH11A, ISH12A and ISH13A in w/c 22 March 2021 will no longer be required and these events have been cancelled.
9 March 2021
Please refer to the appropriate Agendas for each day:
- Issue Specific Hearing 10 (ISH10) into Health and Wellbeing Assessment (PDF, 204KB)
- Issue Specific Hearing 11 (ISH11) into Flood risk and drainage (PDF, 205KB)
- Issue Specific Hearing 12 (ISH12) into Noise (PDF, 207KB)
- Issue Specific Hearing 13 (ISH13) into Traffic and transport (PDF, 211KB)
Agendas for hearings during the week of 15th March (ISH14 into Biodiversity and HRA (PDF, 241KB), ISH15 into the dDCO (PDF, 214KB) and Compulsory Acquisition Hearings (CAH3) (PDF, 185KB)) have been published.
5 March 2021
The Examining Authority has published the Report on the Implications for European Sites (RIES) (PDF, 733KB).
As no additional Affected Persons have requested to be heard at an Open Floor Hearing, OFH8 has been cancelled.
The Livestream for events running w/c 8 March 2021 is available for those wishing to observe in real time.
Please refer to the appropriate Agendas for each day:
• Issue Specific Hearing 10 (ISH10) into Health and Wellbeing Assessment (PDF, 204KB)
• Issue Specific Hearing 11 (ISH11) into Flood risk and drainage (PDF, 205KB)
• Issue Specific Hearing 12 (ISH12) into Noise (PDF, 207KB)
• Issue Specific Hearing 13 (ISH13) into Traffic and transport (PDF, 211KB)
Agendas for events commencing week of 15th March will be published 9th March 2021.
5 March 2021
The Examining Authority has published the Report on the Implications for European Sites (RIES) (PDF, 733KB).
Agendas for hearings during the week of 8th March can be found here.
Agendas for events commencing week of 15th March will be published 9th March 2021.
4 March 2021
Information for forthcoming Hearings:
The Agendas for the following events have been published:
• Issue Specific Hearing 10 (ISH10) into Health and Wellbeing Assessment (PDF, 204KB)
• Issue Specific Hearing 11 (ISH11) into Flood risk and drainage (PDF, 205KB)
• Issue Specific Hearing 12 (ISH12) into Noise (PDF, 207KB)
• Issue Specific Hearing 13 (ISH13) into Traffic and transport (PDF, 211KB)
Agendas for events commencing week of 15th March will be published 9 March 2021.
Further Written Questions (ExQ3) were not published on this occasion.
2 March 2021
• Issue Specific Hearing 10 (ISH10) into Health and Wellbeing Assessment (PDF, 204KB)
• Issue Specific Hearing 11 (ISH11) into Flood risk and drainage (PDF, 205KB)
• Issue Specific Hearing 12 (ISH12) into Noise (PDF, 207KB)
• Issue Specific Hearing 13 (ISH13) into Traffic and transport (PDF, 211KB)
Agendas for events commencing week of 15th March will be published 9 March 2021.
22 February 2021
The Action Points for Compulsory Acquisition Hearings (CAH2), Issue Specific Hearings (ISH) 7 into Biodiversity, ISH8 into Seascape and ISH9 into the draft Development Consent Order (dDCO) have been published. The recordings and transcripts for these events have also been published.
The time reserved for CAH2A, ISH7A, ISH8A and ISH9A in w/c 23 March 2021 will no longer be required and have therefore been cancelled.
19 February 2021
The time reserved for CAH2A, ISH7A, ISH8A and ISH9A in w/c 23 March 2021 will no longer be required and have therefore been cancelled.
12 February 2021
The Livestream for events running w/c 15 February 2021 is available for those wishing to observe in real time.
Please refer to the appropriate Agendas for each day, being Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 2 (CAH2) (PDF, 134 KB) (Tuesday) ; ISH7 into Biodiversity (PDF, 132 KB) (Wednesday); ISH8 into Seascape (PDF, 124 KB) (Thursday) and ISH9 into the draft Development Consent Order (PDF, 132 KB) (Friday), which have been published.
9 February 2021
8 February 2021
- Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 2 (CAH2) (PDF, 134KB)
- Issue Specific Hearing 7 (ISH7) into Biodiversity and HRA (PDF, 132KB)
- Issue Specific Hearing 8 (ISH8) into Seascapes (PDF, 124KB)
- Issue Specific Hearing 9 (ISH9) into the Draft Development Consent Order (PDF, 132KB)
8 February 2021
- A letter relating to the Compulsory Acquisition of Additional Land (PDF, 449KB)
- Action points from Issue Specific Hearing 6 (ISH6) (PDF, 119KB)
- Action points from Open Floor Hearing 7 (OFH7) (PDF, 85KB)
- Notes from the Unaccompanied or Access Required Site Inspections PDF, 1MB) undertaken on 25, 26 & 27 January 2021.
25 January 2021
Agenda for Open Floor Hearing 7 (PDF, 106KB) (Thursday 28 January) and the Agenda for ISH6 into the Draft DCO (PDF, 213KB) (Friday 29 January) has been published. You can access the livestream for these events here.
22 January 2021
Action lists for Issue Specific Hearings 3 (ISHs3) (PDF, 99 KB) and Open Floor Hearings 6 (OFHs6) (PDF, 97 KB) have been published.
19 January 2021
Please refer to the appropriate Agendas for each day, being ISH3 into Biodiversity and HRA (PDF, 172 KB) (Tuesday) ; ISH4 into Onshore Environment, Construction, Transport and Operational effects (PDF, 212 KB) (Tuesday and Wednesday); ISH5 into Social, Economic, Land and Sea Use effects (PDF, 206 KB) (Thursday) and Open Floor Hearing 6 (PDF, 106 KB) (Friday), which have been published.
The final updated Site Inspection Itinerary ( PDF, 3MB) (Tuesday 26 and Wednesday 27 January), Agenda for Open Floor Hearing 7 (PDF, 106 KB) (Thursday 28 January) and the Agenda for ISH6 into the Draft DCO (PDF , 213KB) (Friday 29 January) for events commencing w/c 25 January 2021 has been published.
19 January 2021
The timings and agenda are as follows:
Issue Specific Hearing 3 (ISH3) into Biodiversity and Habitats Regulations Assessment Tuesday 19 January at 10:00am
Issue Specific Hearing 4 (ISH4) into Onshore Environment, construction, transport and operational effects starting on Tuesday 19 January at 2.00pm and continuing on Wednesday 20 January at 10:00am
Issue Specific Hearing 5 into Social, economic, land and sea use effects (ISH5) on Thursday 21 January starting at 10:00am
Open Floor Hearings 6 and 7 (OFH6 and OFH7) OFH6 on Friday 22 January starting at 10.00am & OFH7 on Thursday 28 January starting at 2.00pm
8 January 2021
Issue Specific Hearing 3 (ISH3) into Biodiversity and Habitats Regulations Assessment (PDF, 172 KB)
Issue Specific Hearing 4 (ISH4) into Onshore Environment, construction, transport and operational effects (PDF, 142 KB)
Issue Specific Hearing 5 into Social, economic, land and sea use effects (ISH5) (PDF, 133 KB) and
Open Floor Hearings 6 and 7 (OFH6 and OFH7) (PDF, 69 KB) - has been updated 13 January 2021
The Agenda for Issue specific Hearing 6 (ISH6) and the Itineraries for Accompanied Site Inspection 1 and 2 (ASI1 and ASI2) will be published no later than 19 January 2021
17 December 2020
8 December 2020
The Frequently Asked Questions has been updated and published. The recordings and transcripts for Issue Specific Hearings and Compulsory Acquisition Hearings held w/c 30 November 2020 have been published, including ISH1 Action Points, CAH1 Action Points and ISH2 Action Points.
Following the Examining Authority’s (ExA) decision to accept the Additional Land Application (PDF, 172KB) for examination, comments are now invited on the Applicant’s proposed provision by Deadline 4 – 13 January 2021.
Please note that any comments must be made on the Registration and Relevant Representation Form and must relate to the Applicant’s application for Additional Land (PDF, 4MB) only; any submissions that are not in relation to the application for Additional Land, or are not on the prescribed form, will not be seen by the ExA and will be disregarded. Comments submitted after the deadline will also be disregarded.
7 December 2020
Please note that any comments must be made on the Registration and Relevant Representation Form and must relate to the Applicant’s application for Additional Land (PDF, 4MB) only; any submissions that are not in relation to the application for Additional Land, or are not on the prescribed form, will not be seen by the ExA and will be disregarded. Comments submitted after the deadline will also be disregarded.
4 December 2020
and Issue Specific Hearing 2 (ISH2) (PDF, 212KB) has now been published.
4 December 2020
2 December 2020
Issue Specific Hearing 1 Action Points (PDF, 121KB) have now been published.
The Livestream for ISH2 is available for those wishing to observe in real time. Please refer to the Agenda for Issue Specific Hearing 2 (ISH2) into Onshore siting, design and construction (PDF, 144KB) to see when the event will start broadcasting ‘LIVE’.
The Applicant has provided a presentation to cover Agenda items 3b and 3c during ISH2 (PDF, 5MB), this has been accepted by the ExA as an additional submission on 26 November 2020 and published to the project page.
If the Livestream doesn’t initially work, it may be resolved by refreshing the page or if you can’t hear anything, it may be that your sound is turned off and therefore un-muting or increasing the sound volume may resolve the issue.
27 November 2020
The Applicant has provided a presentation to cover Agenda items 3b and 3c during ISH2, this has been accepted by the ExA as an additional submission (PDF, 5MB) on 26 November 2020 and published to the project page.
If the Livestream doesn’t initially work, it may be resolved by refreshing the page or if you can’t hear anything, it may be that your sound is turned off and therefore un-muting or increasing the sound volume may resolve the issue.
24 November 2020
The Examining Authority has used its discretion to accept the late submission made by SASES and these have now been published.
19 November 2020
Having considered the range of submissions received at Deadline 1, whilst also preparing for events to be held from 1 – 3 December 2020, the ExAs have decided that further Written Questions (ExQ2) will not be published on 26 November 2020.
13 November 2020
9 November 2020
5 November 2020
The Livestream of Open Floor Hearing 5 is available for those wishing to observe it this week in real time. Please refer to the updated Agenda for Open Floor Hearing 4 and 5 (PDF, 107 KB) to see when each event will start broadcasting ‘LIVE’ and the updated List of Speakers per event. If the Livestream doesn’t initially work, it may be resolved by refreshing the page or if you can’t hear anything, it may be that your sound is turned off and therefore un-muting or increasing the sound volume may resolve the issue.
4 November 2020
The Examining Authority has carried out its fifth Unaccompanied Site Inspection (USI5) and the USI5 Site Note (PDF, 3 MB) undertaken on 30 October 2020 has been published.
19 October 2020
The Preliminary Meeting recordings and meeting note (PDF, 565KB) for both parts have now been published.
Open Floor Hearings 1-3 (OFH1-3) recordings and action list (PDF, 117KB) are also available.
The Examining Authority has carried out its fourth Unaccompanied Site Inspection (USI4) and the USI4 Site Note (PDF, 4MB) undertaken on 12-13 October 2020 has been published. Please review this note prior to making any site inspection nomination for Deadline 1.
16 October 2020
12 October 2020
Procedural decision following Preliminary Meeting
12 October 2020
Procedural decision following Preliminary Meeting.
9 October 2020
8 October 2020
Open Floor Hearing 3 (OFH3) will still commence at 10am on 9 October 2020 as notified within the Rule 6 Letter.
Those parties speaking at the Open Floor Hearings this week will be sent joining instructions on how to participate before each event.
The Livestream of Open Floor Hearing 1-3 is available for those wishing to observe this week in real time. Please refer to the Agenda for OFH 1-3 (PDF, 227kb) to see when each event will start broadcasting ‘LIVE’. If the Livestream doesn’t initially work, it may be resolved by refreshing the page or if you can’t hear anything, it may be that your sound is turned off and therefore un-muting or increasing the sound volume may resolve the issue.
7 October 2020
Open Floor Hearing 2 (OFH2) will still commence at 2pm on 8 October 2020 as notified within the Rule 6 Letter.
Those parties speaking at the Open Floor Hearings this week will be sent joining instructions on how to participate before each event.
The Livestream of Open Floor Hearing 1-3 is available for those wishing to observe this week in real time. Please refer to the Agenda for OFH 1-3 (PDF, 227kb) to see when each event will start broadcasting ‘LIVE’. If the Livestream doesn’t initially work, it may be resolved by refreshing the page or if you can’t hear anything, it may be that your sound is turned off and therefore un-muting or increasing the sound volume may resolve the issue.
7 October 2020
Those parties speaking at the Open Floor Hearings this week will be sent joining instructions on how to participate before each event.
The Livestream of Open Floor Hearing 1-3 is available for those wishing to observe this week in real time. Please refer to the Agenda for OFH 1-3 (PDF, 227kb) to see when each event will start broadcasting ‘LIVE’. If the Livestream doesn’t initially work, it may be resolved by refreshing the page or if you can’t hear anything, it may be that your sound is turned off and therefore un-muting or increasing the sound volume may resolve the issue.
6 October 2020
5 October 2020
Please refer to the Detailed Agenda for PM: Part 2 (PDF, 158kb) and the Agenda for OFH 1-3 (PDF, 227kb) to see when each event will start broadcasting ‘LIVE’. If the Livestream doesn’t initially work, it may be resolved by refreshing the page or if you can’t hear anything, it may be that your sound is turned off and therefore un-muting or increasing the sound volume may resolve the issue.
5 October 2020
28 September 2020
For those wishing to observe the OFHs via the internet on a computer or smart phone on Wednesday 7th, Thursday 8th and Friday 9th October 2020 (please refer to the Agenda for start times), this will be broadcast via Livestream. Please use the following link on the day:
Observe the EA1N and EA2 Offshore Windfarm Open Floor Hearings
18 September 2020
The East Anglia ONE North (EA1N) and East Anglia TWO Case Teams will be running MS Teams Familiarisation Sessions w/c 28 September 2020, in advance of the Examination starting and the scheduled Open Floor Hearing events (7-9 October). If there are any Interested Parties wishing to attend these Familiarisation Sessions please contact either the EA1N and/ or EA2 case team to request your participation. Requests must be received no later than Wednesday 23 September 2020.
The Case Team would appreciate it if you could confirm your name, unique reference number for these project and your preferred time to attend being 10.00am to 11.00am OR 12.00pm to 1.00pm. The Case Team will confirm via a joining instruction email the date and time you will be expected to attend a dedicated Familiarisation Session. Please be advised that we may not be able to offer everyone a session, however, we will run a further Familiarisation Session for those that were not successful this time during the Examination and before the first round of Issue Specific Hearings.
16 September 2020
15 September 2020
Please note that the PM will start broadcasting ‘LIVE’ once it opens at 10.00 on Wednesday 16 September 2020. If the Livestream doesn’t initially work, it may be resolved by refreshing the page or if you can’t hear anything, it may be that your sound is turned off and therefore un-muting or increasing the sound volume may resolve the issue.
We would remind those observing the PM that there is an opportunity to provide any written responses to matters raised at the PM by Procedural Deadline C (29 September 2020).
11 September 2020
The Examining Authority would like to thank those who provided written submissions by Procedural Deadline A. These have been very helpful ahead of the PM. For those that have indicated a wish to speak on specific agenda items, instructions on how to join the meeting will be issued by email on Tuesday 15 September 2020.
For those that would like to view the PM in real time, the link to the livestream will be published on this project web page on Tuesday 15 September 2020.
Those participating or observing the PM should familiarise themselves with the Rule 6 letter (PDF, 601kb), dated 16 July 2020. It is particularly important to read Annex B, which provides an introduction to the PM, as this will not be covered in detail in the meeting.
9 September 2020
For those that have indicated a wish to speak on specific agenda items, instructions on how to join the meeting will be issued by email on Tuesday 15 September 2020.
For those that would like to view the PM in real time, the link to the livestream will be published on this project web page on Tuesday 15 September 2020.
Those participating or observing the PM should familiarise themselves with the Rule 6 letter (PDF, 604kb), dated 16 July 2020. It is particularly important to read Annex B, which provides an introduction to the PM, as this will not be covered in detail in the meeting.
28 August 2020
18 August 2020
The Rule 6 letter (Annex E) notified all Interested Parties (IPs) of the Open Floor Hearings (OFHs) scheduled from 7-9 October 2020. Interested parties must complete the OFH Involvement Form,
by Procedural Deadline B (9 September 2020) if they wish to participate. The Examining Authority (ExA) will take these submissions into consideration when finalising the agenda. Where possible the ExA will try to accommodate all IPs preferred dates/times for the first round of OFHs. However if it is not possible to accommodate all submissions, there will be a further opportunity for IPs to request to be heard at the remaining OFHs by Deadline 1, as per the draft Examination timetable.
14 August 2020
11 August 2020
28 July 2020
The notification of the Preliminary Meeting (Rule 6 letter) has been sent, please refer to Annex B which introduces the Preliminary Meeting and how you can participate. The FAQs provides further information on the Preliminary Meeting, the Examination and the Involvement form. Interested Parties must complete the Preliminary Meeting Involvement Form, by Procedural Deadline A (13 August 2020) if they wish to participate.
16 July 2020
26 June 2020
- East Anglia Two Limited
- Marine Management Organisation
- Natural England
- East Suffolk Council and Suffolk County Council.
These documents have been added to the Examination Library.
Please note that the Examination has not yet started so, whilst the ExA is interested in your views about how the Examination could be run, it cannot consider any submissions about the planning merits of the application. Those must be made later, during the Examination itself. As the ExA has not called for any written submissions other than responses to the questionnaire and procedural matters, it will not accept, consider or publish any written submissions that address the planning merits of the application.
12 June 2020
The Examining Authority is now considering the responses, along with any wider submissions which have been made, and will respond within the Rule 6 letter in due course.
8 June 2020
• Responses to the questionnaire on how virtual hearings might be used to examine the application, to inform our thinking on the forthcoming examination
• Responses to procedural decisions for the submission of early drafts of Statements of Common Ground (7.1) and Comments on Relevant Representations (11).
5 June 2020
Representations Questionnaire
The questionnaire provides an important opportunity for you to have your say on possible Examination procedures. Please use this opportunity now, as the questionnaire will not be available after the closing date.
Please note that the Examination has not yet started so, whilst the ExA is interested in your views about how the Examination could be run, it cannot consider any submissions about the planning merits of the application. Those must be made later, during the Examination itself so, as the ExA has not called for any written submissions other than responses to the questionnaire, it will not accept, consider or publish any other written submissions that address the planning merits of the application.
29 May 2020
The questionnaire is easy to complete on an internet connected device: computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone.
Representations Questionnaire
The Planning Inspectorate has sent postal notifications to Interested Parties for whom we have no email address: if they are unable to access the electronic version of the questionnaire they can contact the Case team on 0303 444 5000 for assistance with this between the hours of 9:00am and 12 noon, Monday to Friday.
21 May 2020
Representations Questionnaire
Frequently Asked Questions (version 1.0) document has also now been published.
14 May 2020
Meanwhile, in its letter postponing the Preliminary Meeting, the ExA urged the Applicant and Interested Parties to use time before the start of the Examination to press ahead with the work necessary to prepare Statements of Common Ground, using virtual working methods to replace meetings. It also encouraged the Applicant to prepare responses to Relevant Representations. This important work will assist the ExA greatly by making the Examination process clearer and simpler once a start is made.
4 May 2020
21 April 2020
For the avoidance of doubt, the provisional hearing dates and deadlines set out in the draft timetable do not stand; any submissions which are made, for example to the proposed Deadline 2 (Tuesday 28 April) inviting comments on Relevant Representations or the submission of Written Representations, will not be accepted. We therefore ask that, in order to avoid any unnecessary administrative burden, you do not make such submissions.
During this time we would encourage parties, where it is possible within the restrictions and your own personal safety and wellbeing, to continue to engage where necessary and to be preparing your position on the material published to date, including the application documents and Relevant Representations. We continue to work on processes which will enable the examinations to commence and encourage all parties to monitor our website for the wider Inspectorate position
6 April 2020
17 March 2020
Please see the Examining Authority's (ExA's) procedural decision to postpone the Preliminary Meeting (PM) and Hearings for further information.
We are not yet in a position to identify a revised timeline. Updates will be announced shortly.
11 March 2020
4 March 2020
21 February 2020
The letter also includes the draft Examination Timetable and Initial Assessment of Principal Issues.
20 February 2020
27 January 2020
3 January 2020
If you wish to have your say on East Anglia One North and East Anglia Two you must register for each application separately.
If you are unable to complete a registration form online and would like to register your interest, please call the helpline on: 0303 444 5000 to request a paper form. For further advice please see Advice Note 8.2: How to register to participate in an Examination.
Please see our Frequently Asked Questions for more information.