Back to list East Anglia TWO Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Theresa Tollemache

Date submitted
1 December 2019
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

There must be a review of a more sustainable strategy for on shore connection from the off shore Wind Turbines off the east anglian coast and indeed any coastal sites. The environmental disruption of building gigantic Sub Stations on open agricultural land adjacent to a village with cable dug over AONB land, as is the case at Friston, totally undermines the benefits that off shore energy brings. Norfolk and Suffolk have the most beautiful and recognised scenery embracing wetlands and coastal habitats and should be preserved for ever. Not only for the habitat that thrives but also the people who live in these areas and benefit from our most prolific industry, tourism which brings 8 million tourists a year to our area around Aldeburgh and Snape. The disruption of 700 construction lorries a day will clog our small country roads and make a simple journey into a nightmare traffic jam for years to come. The off shore Ring Main or Brown field sites should be the considered way to bring cables to their destination. I am writing to object to the SRP Planning application for several reasons. It is wholly unacceptable to build a structure the size of Wembley Stadium next to an ancient village in unspoilt countryside on agricultural land. the noise will be unbearable to live with. 11 klm of cable trenches to reach this site have to be dug over AONB land and the whole complex will destroy the local fragile environment including the passage of migrating birds as well as the indigenous population of flora, fauna and birds. The narrow country roads will not be able to sustain the heavy traffic, 700 lorries per day. Locals, tourist (who provide hugely to the local economy), emergency services will be disrupted hugely by blockages and traffic jams for years to come. This is absolutely the wrong site for up to 7 sub stations and the disruption for up to 12 years will ruin the area and the lives of those who live in the vicinity. Brown field sites and or the Ring Main must be considered.