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Representation by NATS (NATS)

Date submitted
5 December 2019
Submitted by
Other statutory consultees

NATS has assessed the proposal and anticipates an impact on its infrastructure; specifically that the turbines will be detected by NATS’s Cromer radar. It is anticipated that the radar detection of the turbines will lead to substantial “clutter” appearing on Air Traffic Controllers’ displays. Accordingly, the anticipated impact is deemed to be unacceptable to NATS’s operations and at this time, NATS objects to the application. Notwithstanding the objection however, NATS has been and remains positively engaged with SPR (UK) around the need for and identification of an acceptable mitigation scheme. While a solution has not been identified at this time, through its work with its stakeholders and the Applicant, NATS believes that a solution will be forthcoming in order to address the impact of the proposal and thus mitigate the effect of the turbines. NATS will continue to work on the identification of a suitable mitigation scheme, and once a tangible solution has been identified and agreed with the Applicant, it will submit a further representation. I trust this clarifies our position and is acceptable to the Inspector. Should there be any queries at any time, do not hesitate to contact us.