Back to list East Anglia TWO Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Sarah Courage

Date submitted
31 December 2019
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I strongly object to this application because of the massive industrialisation that will desecrate this beautiful, unspoilt area of East Suffolk. No account has been taken of the cumulative impact on the environment, and heavy HGV traffic on the local roads. The proposed plans for a campus for 2,400 workers close to Minsmere and Eastbridge will bring noise, air and light pollution and a massive increase of traffic. Soil heaps up to 10 storeys high will cause serious dust pollution affecting the AONB, Minsmere and Sizewell marshes. This must not be a road led transport strategy but a marine led strategy to avoid up to 900 HGV daily clogging the roads making it impossible for local residents, agricultural vehicles and emergency vehicles to use the roads. I object to the size of the proposed sub station at Friston. It is too big and too close to the village and the grade II church and Grade II War memorial. It is too damaging for the environment producing years of dust, light pollution and noise and ending rural tranquility. Massive cable trenches from the coast to Friston resulting in thousands of HGV movements daily. These HGV's will make normal life impossible for local residents, emergency vehicles. and agricultural traffic. The thriving tourist industry would be adversely affected causing loss of jobs in local pubs and hotels. Yours sincerely Sarah Courage