Back to list East Anglia TWO Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Guy Philpotts

Date submitted
8 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

very little information has come to my attention other than that given to other towns/parishes. The first I knew about the latest submissions was on attending a council meeting about a housing planning application which might have affected me & one of your representatives was there! I knew nothing about the noise survey done here,yet caroline cottage,yards from my house was informed.On your latest plans courtyard cottage is mentioned,but there's no such place at Ness House where you appear to have it.How much other "information" is as inaccurate? Siting of the trenches in the Sizewell area will have a devastating effect on the wild life,especially summer visitors such as turtle doves,nightjars & nightingales,as well as resident skylarks & woodlarks & the 4 legged population.While fields may be returned to their original state fairly quickly after the trenches are filled in,it will take decades to reinstate woodland & hedges. How can you be allowed to concrete oover vast areas of what is supposed to be protected AONB?