Back to list East Anglia TWO Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Helen Cook

Date submitted
9 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

We cannot have the coast, fields, woodlands and villages churned up for the cables and substation. Renewable energy, yes, but not to the detrement of destroying the wildlife, tourism, and beauty of the Suffolk coast. Surely with technology an off shore substation can be built that can be fed to one site in an area that does not affect "An Area of Natural Beauty". I'm afraid the noise and light pollution alone will frighten the bird life off and the major disruption and building will frighten off the tourists. Suffolk will become an industrialised county supplying energy to the rest of the UK! It saddens me that there is no cohesive approach by all the energy companies. The Government needs to direct this. It will end up being another failed HS2 initiative. Technology is evolving rapidly and before we know it, we'll have small nuclear boxes in every house. Please stop this nonsense - there are too many people who are now suffering from depression at the very thought of what you are proposing. Your proposal will affect the NHS and the economy as well as the environment.