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Representation by Reginald Herring

Date submitted
11 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I support the representations made by SASES and Friston Parish Council and want you hm to be considered as part of my representation. I strongly oppose the building of ENO 10078 and its location next to Friston village and the other EA1N. I feel the two industrial scale installations will have a combined impact which will fundamentally change my life and village life forever. The main reasons for my opposition are summarised below: The scale of this site and the buildings are out of all proportion to our small rural village and the surrounding agricultural area. This development will overwhelm physically the local area and will impinge psychologically on myself. I choose Friston as a place to retire for its calm, quiet and physical beauty all of this will be destroyed by this industrial sized complex. The noise and light from the construction , over an extensive period, and its ongoing use will change the quiet and dark village completely. My use of the area around the site will be negatively impacted upon, walks disrupted, viewpoints spoiled and rural sounds drowned out. The huge increase in construction traffic will change my use of roads and access to local services, shopping and neighbours. The flood risk, already not well managed ,N.B. recent flooding, will increase with this significant change of land use. The change of the area from rural/ agricultural to one dominated by this industrial site ( and the other adjacent site) will impact on the value of my property. The removal of established habitats will lessen animal and bird life. The proposed mitigating measures are inadequate in terms of visual impact and noise reduction and must be seriously enhanced. The limited changes to narrow local roads for construction and future upkeep of the site will impact on my access and ability to enjoy the area. The scar that is the cable corridor from the coast the Friston will change villages and rural land use forever and must bring into the question the choice of a area so far from the coast into question. This will be a huge blot on our landscape and change all lives negatively forever. Please reconsider.