Back to list East Anglia TWO Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Mrs C A Morling

Date submitted
11 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Regarding the application of EA2 I notice from the Environmental Statement of the DCO application that flaws are apparent. Living at (Redacted), (Redacted), I would like to point out that this property has not been cited as one of the nearest receptors for noise assessment. Our property is affected on all sides by various SPR proposals. I am concerned that the proposed Haul Road,planned to be built on the field next to us to the east, along with the cable route in the field to the south and used for the entiretime of construction will have serious detrimental effects on our health and wellbeing, with light, vibration , noise and dust from extremely sandy soil. I am concerned about the amount of heavy traffic coming along Lovers Lane to the junction at the northern end of Bridleway 28 which is access to our property.This will have serious safety issues and increased pollution, noise and vibration. I am concerned that Bridleway 28 situated immediately next, to the west of our property, which is our access and for part, is our responsibility to maintain, will be used for 'pre-construction vehicles' thereby surrounding us with more disturbance. I am concerned that the proposed CCS will be sited fairly close to where we live, in fact in the field at the end of Bridleway 28. This will bring with it additional issues. noise from the generators, light pollution, constant activity and security issues ti this quiet rural area. Finally I am concerned that Sizewell Gap Road is the only evacuation route. In the event of an emergency at Sizewell Power Station. the result could be utter chaos. More than anything else I am concerned that this property, along with us, its owners, seem to have been completely forgotten about and totally disregarded by SPR.