Back to list East Anglia TWO Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Christine Munden

Date submitted
15 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I write to object to the proposed building of EA2 substation by SPR at Friston. I am in full support of the representations being made about this project by Friston Parish Council, Substation Action Save East Suffolk (SASES) and Suffolk Energy Action Solutions (SEAS) Groups. I accept that renewable energy is the way forward, but I do not agree that vast areas of our valuable countryside should be destroyed to achieve this. I live approximately ½ mile north of the proposed substation site, and I want to raise the following concerns of the construction at Friston: • Friston is a small rural village and the impact of this development so close to it will be devastating. In the village there are several grade 11 listed buildings as well as St Mary’s church which dates back to the 14th Century. • There will be a loss of over 80 acres of grade 2 & 3 prime agricultural land taken up by this proposal. • Friston suffers from flooding and drainage issues which I feel have not been addressed by SPR. • SPR propose to remove about 30 acres of wildlife habitat across the substation site causing untold damage to the birds and animals in the area. • The area at present is naturally very dark at night with no light pollution - the project will impact the area greatly during construction with 24 hr security lighting and during operation with security / car park lighting possibly being motion sensitive. • The Harmonic Filters that SPR show in the plans will be 18 metres high, causing damaging visual impact, which I think is unacceptable. The noise produced by them will impact greatly on local residents, SPR do not show that these will be screened at all and noise will carry a considerable distance. • Looking at the mitigation planting proposed by SPR I do question the assurances that they make re adequate screening of the site. It will take many many years for the trees / hedges to reach a suitable height to screen the buildings (see SPR Visualisation at 15 yrs), and of course during the winter months the trees will be bare! • I live on Grove Road, this road is a narrow twisting road with no pedestrian footpath, no lighting or speed restrictions. It is used as a cut through to the surrounding villages / towns and by farm vehicles and any increase in traffic will access to the proposed site, greatly impact this area. • SPR have not as I understand been in contact with EDF regarding the Sizewell Evacuation plan relating any disruption caused by this project – whether this is in relation to road closures or increased HGV traffic. • I do feel that these proposed projects should be nationally coordinated.