Back to list East Anglia TWO Offshore Windfarm

Representation by Michelle Kelly

Date submitted
16 January 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I live over the back fence from Friston, will see the tops of the substation from my window, and will hear and see the extra influx of development from the widening of the roads, from the flood of traffic. I can imagine the impact the Substations will have. Initially we were told there was to be ONE substation, Now I hear there is to be three. This area of the county is impoverished as it is, we rely on income from holiday activity, and 'blow in's' who retire here from London and else where I fall into that category- although am 10 years off retiring) If this area is ruined by widened noisy roads, massive increase in traffic and noise, small impermanent villages for construction workers, the infrastructure to socially support them ( health, primary schools, shops) this corner of Suffolk Coastal will be affected permanently. We are a rural corner, with Minsmere bird reserve, and a wider area of AONB. If that appellation gives it protected status this development will ride roughshod over it- AONB is supposed to offer protection against this. In this age where we are beginning to wake up to the issues of extinction of species I would ask that our area is left alone. For the prosperity of the locals, and protections of both wildlife and the ecology of the area I would ask that you reconsider the plans, so that the impact is either much smaller, non existent, or restricted to the area around the existing ugly nuclear power station. Do not develop so that it is necessary to widen roads, and disturb the rural peace of the area. Anything that is not reversible should not be considered.