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Representation by Aldringham-cum-Thorpe Parish Council (Aldringham-cum-Thorpe Parish Council)

Date submitted
16 January 2020
Submitted by
Parish councils

Aldringham-cum-Thorpe Parish Council full supports the migration to green energy. However, due to the suitability of the North Sea to produce wind energy it is vital that a full strategic review is undertaken (as requested in the letter of the 28th October 2019 to the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy from three East Anglia MPs) of how this energy is brought ashore, with appropriate regard to the combined and lasting impacts of all known schemes on the coastal communities and environment that this energy is supposed to protect. Throughout the consultation process the Parish Council have consistently raised their overriding view that more large-scale industrial developments, such as wind farm substations, are appropriate for this section of the Heritage Coast due to its naturally flat and wildlife rich habitat. This area already makes a significant contribution to the nation's energy supply, hosting two nuclear power stations and two wind farm substations, and have already suffered many years of disruption. We are now facing the daunting prospect of many more years of disruption and damage from the following large-scale infrastructure projects - EA1N and EA2 Offshore Wind Farms, Sizewell C Nuclear Power Station, the National Grid Ventures Nautilus and Eurolink and possible extensions of the Greater Gabbard & Galloper Wind Farms. The cumulative impact of all these projects should be considered alongside EA1N and EA2 DCO Applications. SPECIFIC CONCERNS LANDSCAPE The extensive area of land required within the AONB, SSSI and Heritage Coast will change this beautiful landscape forever. Large scale developments in this location have the potential to significantly impact the fragile coastal margins, causing further cliff destabilisation, as well as removing many unique habitats which support numerous protected species. It is unclear how these impacts will be minimised throughout the construction. The Developer must be required as a minimum to restore the cable route to its state prior to the construction. If not practical, significant mitigation should be agreed. COMMUNITY The scale of these developments will have a significant impact on our ageing community and their wellbeing. The average age of the community is higher than the rest of the country and therefore more vulnerable to disruptions. People move here to enjoy their retirement in peaceful surroundings. It is now proposed to position the cable corridor much closer to the residential titles than previously specified. It is unclear how construction in these areas will be managed to minimise the impact on local residents. TOURISM This part of the coast has a very high number of visitors, making an essential contribution to maintaining a viable local economy. Disruption to footpaths, general access to the area, air quality, light, noise and dust pollution will significantly impact the local community and the attractiveness of the area as a holiday destination. It is unclear how the impact on the local economy will be suitably mitigated. TRAFFIC It is unclear how the cumulative impact of all proposed energy projects will be managed, particularly the damage to road surfaces, traffic flow on narrow roads and congestion at busy junctions. FLOODING Several areas of the Parish are already impacted by significant flooding. It is unclear how these proposals will impact the flood management strategies for this area.